Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

8 () f thedeceit{Hlntffi anagt~Ue if M~tll· htlrt. knowle~ge the [.Ate, thllt hecannot)'eeldto. What a groffe deceiving of amans ne~~~tk ~f fdfis this ! If to be godly iR the generall, if t0 walk holily in ~~e ~~:e~all th~ abfl:rad be fo good and necelfary,, is it not alfo for thee in but ~ill no: particular? We rea_d of a young man, that came with much ' · be fo for their voluntary readinelfe to Chrifi, and Chrifi feeing him fo con• own p~rtifident, to difcover the deceit in his heart, bid him to obferve cular. th~ Commandements; he replieth, He had kept all from his youth, M11tth.t9.~o. whereupon our Saviour gives him aper.. fi>nall command to difcover the falfhood of his heart, Go and . fell that thou h11ft andgive to the poor; which prefently was like the jealoofie water tO the adultrelfe WOman, made his thigh to rot,he Went awayforr~wfuU,for he badgreat po{fejfiom: I bring this inllance to fhew, that dolm eft in generalihm,gcnerall cbm.· mands, ·and generall duties people approve of,bm then when '- it comes to their particular, they fly backan4 difcover their n,akednetfe.Is not this a palpable deccit,for aman to commend godlinelfe, to admirer an holy life,and yet when it cmnes eo his p.utituli!r,he no wayes eo endtavour after it? 2. So fecondl_y, oa the contrary, The dec._eitfulneffe ofthe heart They will 11ppeareth, in thllt mm 'Will difcommend,yea ~tndcondemnJinne in ~on~c:mn !i~ 1 the general/; andyet in their particular, pra£life, Wallow in it. ~~d ee~e~~~i' How can men come eo be thus groffely deceived? -They will live ln it, 1 acknowledge drunkennelfe, lufis, oaths are grievous fins, that God is offended by them, and hell belongs to fuch ; yet for their particular you {hall finde them committing fuch fin~. Thus as David, when theParablewasofaman in the generalJ, that had tlolcn,his neighbours Lamb, his wrath "as kindled ,and he mufi have fcvere punifhment, ~ Sam.u.t1. but he did not know he was the man. Oh thou that readeft and hcarea rvery day, [wear not •t all., and that thinkeft not, I am the fwearer,1Ames 4. that hearc:fl, be not drunk. 'With 'Wine \Vherein i& exceffe,Ephcf.+ and that thinkefl not I am the drunkard, and fo ofevery fin:Oh were it not for that abyffe and depth of guile in thy heart, ' thou couldfi' neve_r prachfe that in parci-: cuJar which thou condemncfi)n generall. . ;. 3· The dece~tjuinef[e of the heart ,rppears, in that there is no · In that there kindofgrllce o.r aut) requiredby God, but the heart ofaman 'Wilt i$ no gr.ace•.Qr do thecounterfeit of it._It will do that which is li~ it, ·and. yet · • · . ( r ~lifer )