Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

1~ of the dueitfolneffc andt,uile~1Mans htdn: fwer in the affirmarive~Yes that he doth,God forb id elfe.Now where can he have this hope? Whence can his heart perfwade him? Doth not every- leaf in the S,cripture fiand like a fiery Sword to keep him out ofParadife? Doth not every Chapter in the Word of God meet him as an Angel with a naked Sword to Balaam to fiop him in the way, yet for aiLthis he blctfcth his foul, and faith, It will go well with 'him. Were. not aman bewitched and deceived in agrolfe manner,he could no more judge that his way was a way of falvation, or his life a life or happindfe, then that the SuA is ablack coal, or light is darkndfe. If hell ever be made heaven, if clods of earth be-made fiars, then he may think fuch as he is fhall be fct on Thrones ofglory. Ohbeloved howdowepitypoorbewirch– rd creatures, that have loft their,limbs, their fcnfes! but here is a fpirituall witchery, an heart-forcery, that is above all ex– preffion. Think pf this again and again, you that live in pro– phane courfes, you need,not fay, Who will tell me what will become ofme? how fhall l kno\Y whether this life of mine· will be rewarded with happineffe? Alas ! even the vuy bJinde may fee this; The Scripture hub made and fet it up likea Beacon, that all may take flotice of it, vh.• That he that fow– eth to t·he jle{h,/hall of the jlefo re11p corruption, Gal.6.8. 7. 2·. A'nothtr Sign of the deceitfHlnejfe of the heart, u to reft To refi' con.; contented in thepriviledges 1md pr_omifa in Chrifti.znit}, not at temtd.~ith all regarding the duties ~nd obligation! ther enforce. They are t~et~~~~~dg~s fatisfied in the Titles ofBeleevers, of being Chrifiians by p'ro• :y, anJ~~:ta~~: fcffion, and as for the offices and duties which thefe do indif.;. garding the pcnfabJycom.ma~d, c_hey do_n?t regard rh_em. Now what pal• duties they en- pable hypowfie ts thts, to dtvtde thofe thmgs that God bath· force. . fo infeparably conjoyRed?Let every one that·nameth'the n~tme of Chrift, depart from in;quit]: 2 Tim. I .19. Thofe that cried Lord, Lord, and had prophefied, yea, and calt out devils in - his name, becaufe they had not dellroied rhe works of the devil in theirlives, but were workers of iniquity, therefore Chrifi bid the-m depart, he knew them nor. Mat.7 . Every man then that is baptized, that is by profe.ffion a ChrilHan 7 · and yet walketh not accotding to all that godly order Chrifr P;refcribeth, T.his mans heart d.eceiveth him: He is not what he: