Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

4$ oftherltceitfulmffeAnJ gt~ile ofMttns heArt~· nation to God, and deceit ia humane alf.:tirs betwixt man and m1n, be fo great afiane, condem~ed everywber~by the Scri– pture, how much more mu a thts falfe balance ' in religious duties? and this deceit is then the more abominable, when it pretends to the grc1tcl1 Religion: for if Tul!y faid of fraud and injufiice b~twccn man and man, that there was none more capitall and abominable then of thole, who cum ma:dme fa/– llmt, idagunt ut_ho,zi viri ej[e videatHr: ttlis holds much more in all ou.r religious appro1ches to God; It mufi needs be a Belzebub finne, or tQe chiefoffiones, to fhewour hypocrifie and guile in the tnltters ofGod, Take we heed therefore that in all our religion, cbere be not'fuch an hand·writing~ .was agai'nll' Belfoa.l::.~er, Thou ~trt Weighed in the 611/Ancc 4 nd tt~Umhred,thou 11rt fcund too li.._f,ht. The hearts . . We fhall firll fpeak of the hearts deceitfulnelfc: in religi– ecceitfulne!fe on in the geaerall,and then of religious duties. · in v.:o~thi~ and In the gene rail, I. Herein ot~r hearts deceivou, that We lire Rd1~100 10 prone to ffppoint 11 'Wor.foip of 614r "wn head, to 'Worjhip God 'With, the generall 1 d d appears. 11nd therein exceedingly to aelight ~t.n ~~tppl11H oHr[eivu. Even 1 • as little child~en come to make babies ~o play with, fo have In its pronemen alw1yes m the Church ofGod dcltghted to make Ima– }lefs to i~vent gcs, or fome f~n(iblc reprefentstions thereby to adore God. dello~tht a~d But as C.efar when he faw Women playing with their Birds · g t t erelll and Cats:, asked if they had no children? fo thofe that have been taken up with an outward fenfible wodhip, may be af– ..ked, if they ever were acquainted with that inward fpirituall and Cerious worfhip ofche foul? That the heart of man is de· ceitfull h~rein, appeareth, in that from the beginning of the world, men have alwayes delighted to take their owA waycs, and eo go up:>n their own thoughts in Gods worfhip, :md not: firi'd:ly binding themfeives to Gods command-. In the oiJ Tellament, how often are they blamed for this, that tb~y went tifttr the imagination! 6{their owll heartJ ! That they Wmt 11jter the way which they themfeivu·did chco{e! And how often dothGod ev~n in one Chapter, Deut-4. bid them tak.f heed to themfe/veJ, th4t they did not corrNpt the Wor/hip of God ! And ,that comm1nd lt to Add or tak...e ftomGods 'Word, is four times rcp.:ated in the Scripture~ ~nd why is all this, but·· becaubfe · t e