Burgess - BT715 B85 1654

' ofthetlecAtfolnejfo 4ndgnile DJ M4nJ 19t4it~ corrupted and bring no true intelJigenc~ : It blclfetb' when idhould condemn; it excufcth when it fuould accafe : Be-: fides bow often is it erroneous, and being deceived it felf, dc– ceiveth the whole man? Thof~ that thought they did God good/ervice in k..illing Chrifls Di{ciples, their confciences de· ' ceived them: Paul when he thought he was bound to do what he did in perfecuting the Church ofGod, his confcience .deceived him; infomuch that this confcience, which we would think, was the only f~culty left in man, that like f-obt Meffenger had efcaped, .and brought the ill tydings of all that evil that had befallen us: Even :this alfo is cor~upted ,as well as the reil: our Counfellor, our Monitor, is become unfaitho:: full to us; fo then, how much h this d.eceitfulneife to be be– wailed, when it hath infetled the very whol~ofam.1n, no- . thing doth efcape this defilerneor.ThePfalmifl: cried out,Help Lord, for the faithfull man perijhed, Pfaf.tz. Every one fpake this to his neighbour: ~nd thou mayell: alfo cry out, Help (Lord ) for all truth and faithfulneffe is perifhed from with-: inme; I have nothing in my heart or foul that fpeaks truth un~ to me. ~ , Fifthly, This deceitfulneffe may he agt,ravatedfom the objefi 5· .• matter in Which \\?e are thm deceived, and that u in the m.mers And tha~ Jt 1 S of the greateft and higheft CfJncernment, even in things of eternitJ a~a~t matters . and everlafting happinef[e. Oh then be awakened, and come ~fr~o~~;;~:· · ·out thy felf, -for here thou art not deceived in matters of thy ~em. .. worldly and outward advantagei, but about Heaven and fat- " vatioA. In all humane converfe, how carefull are men not to· be deceived; concerning their Evidences and fetling of any efiate? how dcfirous to take.advice: Now how inexcufable then will it be, to fufferthat Datilah within thy heart to deceive thee and betray thee in matten of eternall confequence!. ' Oh fouls bowed down to the earth, and careleffe about all heavenly things? Oh this will be no exc,ufe at the day of judgement, to fay, The world,or finne,or :hy own heart bath deceived thee, for God in his word hath given thee war– ning of thi$ hypocrite in thy heart; Do not then fit and hear thefe things as if they did not belong tO ·thee. Thy heart it may be is deceiving thee at this very time, , its Gattcring and· J3. - deluding _