Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Bo' The Evil of Evils, Or the CHAP. XV. The Firft Corollarie. ] rt appears by this, That but few mess know what they do when they sin agsinfi G0 I,). Vt.= I RS T from this , Certainly it (win evidently appear that there are but F Mfety men that knowwhat they do infrn- i ping againft God, Nor h.aeve not knoon allthkwhile. Itwas theComplaint of theProphet .erenriah, Nonian faith, What have I done ? Certainly men in waies of fin never fay, Oh Lord, what have I done ? Give the but that man or woman that have gone on in wales of fin, thathave imagin- ed theyhave wrongedGod fo much ; that they have done fomuch againít the infinite eternal glorious .God. They think indeed they have doneamifs, what they thould not do ; but it is another mannerof matter, it is not only doing what you fhouldnot do, but it is a wrong tothe infinite gloriousGod, and therefore certainly it appearsbut few men knowGod, orknow Sin; neither know what that God is with whom they have to deal; neither know what fin is, and how it makes againft that God with whom theyhave todeal ; if mendidonlyknowGod, it