Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

122 ?he Evil o &uils,or the neral andordinary; yet when they arebut now and then, Godcranifefts what his difp]eafure is againfYSin, and what might be to all that Sin a- gainft him. Sixthly, A fixt manifeftationofGods difplea- lure againft Sin, is in thole eternal tormentsandmife- ries inHell that the scripturejpeaksof: the worm the never dies, and the fire that nevergoes out : when you hear Minifters fpeak of fire that never is quenched; for poor people to lie burning in fire thoufands of thoufands of years in eternal . flames, fcalding under the wrath ofGod 5 you Rand agafl at the dreadful.nefs ofthefe expreffi ons. Certainly there are only to reveal the dif- pleafure of God againft fin, becaufe there is no finite timecan be fufiìcient to manifell to the full thedifpleafureofGod againft fin : therfore thole that peti(h, muftperi(heternally. Wi01011,0101,ñ9VisiM10 viowinovvvvvinwsioviov