Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

~~4 '(htr-are 'fewel of th,iffi._ 'C-6menrmenr. tO make you feM murmuring, in the ~6. Yerf-e, 1l is faid 7 J:.e L~rd (pak.,e untoM.o[es a~d A~ron f•ying,.~bat did he fay ? Ho., . ftn! fh.r<l 1 brlfr ')rtt/, thts wzl Crm$..;e.glltlon ll'hi<ih fiiHrmur 4 - t.•Y.'ft r1u? ~9\'V ll'ng fba~l I'bea~ w·un"tbem .flith .God, This e- •il C ongregatzon; Oh that u an •evll Coqgregauon ,thu murmurs .againfi.me,; and -how kmg!hall I .be.ar with .tbem . ~ .they do murmur and they have .mur~ure~ .: as .thofe t?at have mnrmuring fpirits and murmunng dlfpofJttons, they W11l murmllr agtinJanct again, How /ongJh14// I ku.r 11itb this evil Colfgreg4ti6n that mttrwNr agttinj1 ~e ? H~w Ju{lly may God fpe.ak of rn my .of yot,l that are thlS monupg oerore tbe Lord, tJow long '(hall I bear with this wicked ~an or woman ·tbat ~ot~ m tmaur aga-in!l me, ar.d bath ufually ~n the courfe of t~eu hves murfttured againfi me when any thmg f~ls out otherl'Ytfe than they ~'Vould have it? And mark what follo\VS after, 1 h11'tl~ ~ttml th~ ~11rm~~ring of the Cbi/dren of1 frael: You murmur, 1t may be others hear you r.~ot, nay, 1t may be you fpeak not at all, or but half words, yet God hears the laniuage of your mormaring hearts, and thofe muttering fpee,hes? an~ thofe ~a1fwords that come frolil you ;And furtherobferve m tbts verfe, how the Lord re9eats this fm of murmuring, Ror~long fha/1 1 btAr 'f!llith thi.s evil CongregAtion , 'Which 'IHUrmur agtlinft me? Secondly, 1 have h~11rd thtjrrm~r711Nring. Thirdly wbich they m11rmur ..!lg~;,p me: lWurm11r MNrmHr,' Murrn_u~, 1hre~ times _in one ve~fe he repeats ;it and this is to fi1e'IV bts mc;hgnat10n agamlt the thmg : When you e.xprefs indionation ag¥nll a thirg you will repeat it over again,& again now ~hea Lr I becallfe he would expre[s hjs indignation againfi this fin,he peats it over again, again, and agam, and it follows in ver. 2. • SAy Ptnto them, as truly 1U llive (t~itb the Lord,AJ yt bAvt Jp~k..en in mine ttm, fo '11i(l 1 1~ to yo~. _ Mark, God fvvears a~ainll amurmurer ; fomet1mes myour d1fconcem: you wil bereadytofwear(itmaybe);do you [1vear in your difcontent?So cloth God fwe~r againfi you for your difcontent. And what was it that God wonid do unto them f ver. 29. 3 G>. DoHbt- . J1( 1 your c4rk..afltJ,fh41lf~!J i11 tht wi/dernr[J and :you jhAO not c~nll into the Lt~11d concerNing which J fw.rre, to fl)akt JOH dwelt therein : as ifGod thould fay, if J b~ve any life in me, your Jives £.11all go for ic, asj live it thall ~oft you your lives. A difcontcn- ·-·