Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. ••Setl:.z. J:Xature ojDtvils. Memb. 1.Subf 3· e Lt!v.u.cic~g. >t Boif]ludus tit M<~gi;, juration, and by whGm ' tis made, where and how to bee ufed ;, cxpuli. tionihm beUicu, pr,e/iif, dt~eftu, C,~c. with many peculiar inftances and ex. a)llples; they can walke in fiery furnaces, make men feele no paine on the Wracke, aut aliM tlrlurM[entire; they can llaoch blood, 'reprefent dead mens lhapes, alter and curne themfelves and others into fl"Verall formes, at their pleafures. • t.Agaberta a famous Vlirch in Lap/and, would doe as much publikely to all fpecrarors, Modo pufiUa, modo amu, modo proccra, t<t qttcrczu,modo·vacca,avu, coluher, &c. Now young, nowold,high,low l1kea Cow, like a Bird, a Snake, and what not; lhee.could reprefent too~ thers what formes they molldefired to fee, !hew them friends abfenr, reveale fecrets, maxima om~ium •dmiratione, &c. And yet for all this fubtilty of theirs,as Lypfiru well ob[erves,Phy.fiolog. Stoicor. lih. r. cap. 17. neitherthefe Magicians nor devils themfelves, can take away Gold or Lettersomofmine or Crajfzu Chell, & Cliemelu fou largiri, for they are bafe, • D•mon. fib.J. poore, contempribldellowes moll part; as • Bodine notes, they can doe no. "P+ thing in Iudicumdecreta ar;t pama<, inregum Concilia v elarcana, nihil in rem nummariam aut thefduros, they cannot give many to their Clients, alter J ud. ges decrees, or Councels ofKings, thtfe mrmiti Genii cannot doe it, altiom Genii hocfihi adfir,vJrrmt, the higher powers referve thefe things to them. fdves. Now and then peradventure there may be fome more famous Magi. • Vide Phih- ciaris like Sim on M agru, ~ ....ApoUonitu Tyanezu, Pafeus, Iamb/ictu, * Odo de f~'j!:';ff.:~~~ jleUu, that for a time can build Callles in the ayre, ;eprefentarmies,&c. as "' M•gu. ' they are faid to have done, command wealth and treafure, feed thoufands ; ~"t'·igcnfi' wirh all variety of meats upon a fudden, protecr tbemfelves and their fol- .'f{r,~;:s:J:; lowers from all Princesperfecutions, by ren10ving from place to place in dtPafir. . an inllant, reveale fecrcts, future events, tell what is done in farre Coun- ;D;,;;:""'·' tries, make them appeare that dyed long fince, &c. aud doe many fuch r~,.,1u;. m(racles, to the worlds terronr, admiration and opinion of Deity to themfelves, ycrrhe Devill forfakes them at !all, they come to wicked ·ends, and raro aut nunquam fuch Impollors are to be found. The vulgar fort of them · can worke nofuchfeats. Burtomypurpofe, th<ycan, lallof al l,cureaod ~,~;~',!~:. caufe moll difeafes to fuch as thty lov·e or hare, and th is of g c.Mtlancholy gVirg o£ntid. amongll the reil. Parace if"' Tom-4. demorbu amentium, Trafl.r , in exprdfe 'J;/c~f';,"/,~'iccm \yards affirme~; c.Mttlti ja(Cinantur in mtlancholiam, many are bewitched H"ft ,,,.;,;. into melancholy, out of his experience. The fame, faith Dan"zu lih. 3· bHJ promittit de fortittriis. ridi,inquit, qui c....Uelancholicos mor~os gravijfimos indt~xertmt: !};;::;:::;::,~;/ I have feene thofe that havecaufed Melancholy in the moft grievous man- •hid'""'"" ner, h dryed ttpwomens Paps, cured Gcut, Paljie; thu and <.Ap•plexy,Falling· ;;"~~;,;::;;,u fi~kneffi, ••hich 11.0 Phyficke could he! pc, (olotnflt~, by touch alone. Rulandi11 cap.,.tib. •·••· hu 3· C,ent. Ct1ra 91. g1ves an mllancc of one Davtd He! de a young man, tJicum mamm.u who by eating Cakes which a Witch gave him, mox ddiTArt c.eptt, be- {;;f:;':f:£~~. gan to dote on a fudden, and was inllamly madd: F ..H. D. in ; Hi/de· Apo;t'""'"•I'a· foeim, confulted about a Melancholy man, thought h1s d1feafe was partly r;,y!/,;,:'r:;;·~,. Magicall, and pmly naturall, becaufe he vomited peeces of iron and lead, did''"~a;-e7tbll and fpeake fuch Languages,as he had never beene taught; but fuch examples pottw. are common in Scribanizu, fleret~lcsde Saxmia, and others. The meanes hy ~;$;';.!,1~-' which they worke, are ufually Charmes, lmages,as that in Hcikr Boethiru fo/.147· ' ofKing Dujfc; charac:ters llamped offundry metals, and at fuch and fuch conitellations,