Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

P,art.I.Sect.z. SuBs.ECT. 4· Sorrow a caufeofMelancholy. Son·~ w. N this Clttalogue ofPaffions, which fo much torm em: the SoUl ;~';';.~/;~,;,_ ofman; artd caufe this malady (tor! will briefly. fpeak t>fdita) Jlitia,p diu per. ·.all,an<:Lin.their ord~r~. the firfi place in thislrafcible appe\ite'~ fe.Vft<'iU,""f• ' rn:Jy jull:ly be challtnged by Sorrow. An' infep~rablc ~9!i1Pacij ~[;!~t;;z;;,et , ..,.,, .on, ~t Tht'mo..thcr and daughter ofmt!Ancholy,her Epitor;u.e, Sympincirud'""f' tcme,and&biefe cau(e:!as Hippocr.tts bath it:They beget one another, & tread ;:;t::,{':;7t in a ring,for Sorrow is borh Caufe and Symptomeofthis difeafe.l-low it is a Jdtm M"'''"'"' Symptomc fhall be ih.ewed in his place. That it is a caufe all the world aco ~~~in;'::oriuJ knowl:edgeth, DoJDr, rl~nnuUir infttni>£ caufa fuit, & aliorum morborum in{an4 .. p.aa.imag. bilium,faith 1'/"tarch·to ApcUonim;a caufe of ~Ir.~dnefs,a caufe ofmany other y Mufli rxm.<· difeafes,a fokcaufeohhis mifchiefe, Y Lemnim calls it. So doth Rhajis cont. d~;;};{~t: hu' I. I.trttif~ g.,Guiantrifl4. ':£ratl.15 .cip.5. And if it take root ooce,it ends in deLtm•l. •. u6. fpaire, as•:Pclix Plaler obfer'ill:s,anil.as in a Cehts tablc,may well be c&tlpkd z Mu/" '""" wirh it. b Chryfuflome irnhis fevedicenth Epifile to Olympia, defcribes it to be !:t;;;f~;:_ a &Tt1eU torture oft he foule,A m~fl inexplicable griefe,apoy.foncd worm,con{ilming <holiaJ>O (.ap.J. bQdJ and r~u/e-, ,and gnDVi11g the Vlt'J heart, aperpetuaU executioner, CO»JinNaf/ J•::;::;;:;~) night,prif.,mddarkne:Jfe,' a'mhir6wind,a temprft fA'n ague not apptAring,.heating •gu;i• '""'"'. worfe;tban.a1ij ftre,ar.d ,a:h~nkthi#J fnnh n~•end: Jt.crucifics worje thanan1 Ty- f:,•'j_;r::::;: rar;t; no ID•Jt/1'&JMflr>ll'f"do, no-b.odili)f.tmifl"ne11i•i& •ltke un(o it. 'Tis IIIo Elgle ttind,fP<uuione with.o11t qilltfiloa, ~~il!httb~P.oe.t.a . t:Untd : ro. goGJN •Pr<mmheTH lirearilj and dtfinil. . noheavtne(fe .. bke tWIIIXthe karvmif!IM{tht llt'art, J5ccltu 2 5. I 5, I 6.n ~ ·B'VerJ' '.1~'/"a"'l}i: pt1turbation.i6 a TTTifory\6ut_gritfe scr,r~elltornmit,;a dominteriag paffion:' ns in ;,~;,J;~_~;t. old R•me, whemtthe .Dit7.tto7.•was Ctt=ared; aJI inferiour magifiracies-ceafed 'l '"'· . " ·, ' when gricefeappeares,adll.orher patru;,nsvanifh.t:Jt dries up the bones, faith S•- ~:,~;:,~;· ·tomon,eap. r7.Prov, mwir«:s them hclW.w,eyed,p3le,and lcane1furnoW' faced; d<iD"ilttxph">IH~ tQ h:>V( etad look~, w~lUed>!n'cl.wcs,~iv.ded c.heeks,.dry bodies,md quire· · li~, '{.;"'';[.,.'' perwrts their ternperaUUJ<'thatar~mifaffdled with it./h Elenora that txil'd ;,;~;:,:'f=. .: ~oQmfullJ;>llrohts ()ill our ~· Engliili . OTJid). hments to her noble husband P"""'~llifox. Jtumphrey DUkcoHGioatfler, , . "~ · " ;,;,::;:j;'ff,;':,~ · Silrrtfo thot<lho(e ey/Js irnv'hoft fww~ chmfo/llooke, "wttbf«>pr"" . ,, .,DJIJte Hump~r.y· onc~. for;h'foyand•,Pleo fi~re t•okc, \ .\• {;:~;::;=~ ,,, s_cr.row.halkfo.dijjlli-!'dmuf.atJ.gr,.occ, "'""'Pf'<'""W•c"• ,-, , ,,! 'lihMeo,.ltf{Jmt•f4~thwwiiJ• mJElc.\OC~facc. . , _,. • 1fiiL"etlaJJJiU<_fl ,, I ·Mkeafcul~ augon.,,tfr«. ~· . " ~;:e;e'~1:i.. ( It hinde~s concoCiisn, refrigerate~ the heArt, takest~.way jlorit'hck, t'Olu~tr, And ,.,.hahen"- .,fleep; thtckens the ble~d,(~ Ferndt/H !.r.c .18 .de morb.c,•u(ts) cmt•minaw the "'"'""' '""""'" !firitot (h Pi.(v1 'QvercHt\bw~s t'he··nilrbralT fu;,tt jjer'vetts'i'l'legood clt:ite of ~C:rh~:~~~~ ·-· ·Body anCfinir10e, ahcf'ffiake~~-fiel)a\Mi,kr)t Qft~~~iflives,1 ~ry our, ij~~IC, and. ~ ,..,;"'"d'/M- roare for very anguifh oftheir foules . Davia! confelfed as much, Pjal. 38.8. ~'~1/:!f:''· I have roaredfor the very di('ftiittmjfeofmy hcart.And r(a!. I 19-4-Part. 4·"'· Mythol.l. 4• c .6. d 1.rdiy 1· 7/Nfr, g11Jl#.f ptrt11rbati1 mifttia euarnijiw~ eft ~o(tJ;. e M. Drayton in his Her.cp. (Ci'~D toll{ll. -:.1 .lib.2. majJiii.runive;fum i11jiigid11t corpzu,cillrr.tm iwtiltllltJtxtiJtguit, appttuum dep;•"it. g Cor rtj ;igtrattrifliti.t,JPi;iruJtXjiccat> inll4.tumtj:t calortmolnm, vj,iltl14 inducit, "ncD(IiDlltf!J labifi.tktt,fanglliuem incraJJat, t•xag,muj1 ~ !lancbalicJun {MWI»J. h SplTitllJ tl fongpis bocamtamin.mn. Pifo.