Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Preached Augurc17. 1662. its eXcellency ? Are thefe the Profeffors that are proud, ftubborn, PaffiOnate, censorious, Pelf- conceited, contemptuous, and envious as any others ? I know the world apt enough to fi,;.5der, and the Servants off bear a world ofunjult reproaches : but oh L-;rlat there were not this occafion !Ike. 12. Thole that are not confirmed and effablifhed in Grace, the. Devil, when he hath prevailed by a Temptation on themfelves, can . easily Make. theM his Inflruments to draw and tempt others frOin their diity, to diCcourage them in their Religion, and to do that milchief in the world he hath done by temptation of their own fold. 'fis ordinary for Satan to make uCe of lap fed diftempered Chrijlians, to be the inflruments ofhis temptations to thole that are- better, &c. An honeft Chriffian will not fo eafily hearken to a drun4 hard, fWearer, as to a profeffor he had good thoughts of, Ga1.2.13. . 13. For want offtrength and eftablifhment in grace, poor, weak Chrijiians are a very great encouragement to the carnal hopes of wicked men. I think fcarce any-thing in the world hinders our preachingMore then this, when the wicked fee thole that make the great&profeffion nobetter then themfelves, & in Come things work; this hardens him againft all the convictions that can bebrought againft him: tell him he cannot befaved without converfion,he looks upon Profeffors, fees them oontentious,worldly,peevifh, paiTionate, 6"e. fees fame fin or other; this makes him think he is as well as they : mull there be fo much ado to bringmen to this flate ? is this the difference? &e. 74. Methinks it fhould be Tome trouble to an honeft heart , that yet we muft be lb like to thechildren of the wicked ones and the weakest Chrifiians are the likeft to the wicked: I do not meanweaknefs in gifts or knowledge,&e. but a weakneffe in prthical faving know- ledge, love of God, Pelf- denial, mortification, heavenly-minded- hels&c. they that are in tilde, the weakeft eh:dillails, are the next and likeft to the wicked : And doth not this grieve thee, that though thou art not a child of the Devil, thou art CO like one We fhould not be conformed to the world, nor like to them in any thing,. no not outward vanities; but to imitate the fafhion of the world, as to inward corruptions, to go in their garb, when a pal- pable vanity ; to have fo much of their pride, peewit-hers, malice, worldlinefs ; oh look upon thy heart with humiliation. 15. Confider what a dangerous and lamentable flanding, thole' have that be not eftablifhed, &c. you Band, but it is as unrooted plants or trees that Wand fhaking in the wind : beholders are always looking when they fall ; you ftand, but it is as a lick nun, wavering, reel