Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 a. An Expofstion upon the Bookof J. O B. Verf, 7. 45 trembling, then, he exalted himfelfe ; There are leverai! fences gi- ven of that place, but according to. our translation, the meaning is carried thus;When Ephraimwas in anhumblefrarne,,and jealous of himfelfe, not conidenr, nor over-bold (as fore are who pre- fume tocarry all before them) wenhe fpake trembling, or did even tremble to fpeake , then he did that which tended to his own advancement and exaltation. This gracious trembling doh at once fettle us the fatter, and rayfe us the higher in the wayes and things of God. It is a high poynt ofwi fdome tohave low appre- henfatns of ourfelves,.; though that be true, Tou(hallbe efieernedof T[nti erg alirs others, as you efleem your felves ; If a, man under-value himfelfe quantitibi fua 'others will ; yet;'ttsbelt erring on that hand ;`Let. the price be rN' 'much too low, rather then a<y thin;, toohigh, whenyou are occafsa- 'ned topat avalue upon or rateyour felves. Again, Confider what an excellent fpeaker lihuwas when he came to it, as will appeare hereafter, yet fee how he flood trembling;he durft not fpeake, nor offer his opinion.. Hence note; V ftsally they who-have' wog ability to fpeak, are moll back ward to fpeak,.or fparing o f fpeech. Theyare not eafily brought to it, who have it in them ;. The- belly ofElihu was as full withmatter, as an Egge with rneate or a bottle.with wine ; yet how 'flow was he in opening himfelfe They who are and have leaf+ are molt defirous, ifnot ambitious, . toappeare molt , and would make up in feeming what they are not in being. As Elihu in this verfe hathsfhewed hhnfelfe afraid . to fayany thing , fo he fhewes tis in the next, who, he hoped, would have faid all, and altogether have faved hima labour. Verf. 7. 1 fail, dares fhould fpeak, aidmultitude of yeares fhould teach wifdeme_; Or, as the text may be rendred, let dayes fpeak,; dayes (hall not Loqua itur behüidred by Me from fpeaking, let dayes fpeak their fill: But dies funs emnr what meaneth he, when he faith , let dales (peak?'how can dayes té7 aide fn, m, fpeak.; 'tis an elegancy in Rhetorick, when that whichbelongs to loqui il/os, none a perfon, is afcribed to a thing, as here fpeech to time, let dáyes:preripiam eis fpeak; that is,let thofe.who number many dayes, who have lived laqueridilociws,. and.Prfc:;