Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 3 S. e./in expofrtion upon the Book, òf J ó s. Verf, 6 fought out of all them that havepleafore in them. There wogks of God wherein we 111ou1d take pleafure, are not only works of mercy to the Godly, (verf. 3, 4, 5.) but of vengeance upon the wicked, (verf. 6.) He hath fbewed his people thepower of his wWrkr, that hemaygive them the heritage o fthe Heathen. The work; of his hands are Vert*tyand judgement, (verf. 7.) That is, judgement for Saints in faving them, and upon (inners in confuming them. De uoda. g We fhould much contemplate thewo. eo ks of God, in bringing glo- üur ón6ra; ry to himflf out of the fins of men. TheAngels finned and fell ; volunra- man finned as foon aliroif as he was let up : Thefe Creatures did urn, volunras that which God would not have done, yet God brought about ipIN3ve1 mala thatwhich he would. And thus it is to this day among all the verteatir vet childteta of men; while they break holy Com tandetíments, God mala punientie fulfills his holy Cóunfels; no thanks to them, yea woe to them. impietar. So then, the Lord hack nohunt by fin ; which way foever finners Auguli. E>r- turn themfelves, they cannot turn away his Counlßls, nor turn chtrtd, c.tbo. froth his Cour,fels : When they are difobe_ying his revealed will, Mir() et ineff . he is doinghis fettet will, inat hich God is mo(f righteoás; and bili gredo, non in his feafon will lift up his Righreoufnetle and flolineffe, his fit preter ejta righteous and holy 40lill,in the face of all the (inners in the world, volunrarem, uad ox- and they (hall know and confeffe that he.hath ferved his own wife r d vam olunc. and holy purpoics, even in chofe Providences wherein they have ratemfir; quia had no purpofe, but to ferve their foolish and unholy lulls and non Peret..Ti pleafu res. We have an illulirious proof of this, in that extreamly, nonJ: a enAlenr evil and unnatural pra&ife of men good in the m gin, the holy Pa- fi,,;tful volens. triarchs, againft their own Brother (Gen. 5o. 20 )who told them Neejinevet ho- plainly, when he meant them no evil, but good, But as for you, nsa fieri male, ye thought evil apingme, but Godmeant it forgeod;ro bring tr pals, of mde ore as it is this day, tofaremuch people alive. ume pt Further, To clear the Point in general, we may ditlinguish of bene. Atrgutl. fin, ashaving a threefold oppofition ; Firft, Againf} our felves. in Pfal. tit. Secondly, Again& our Neighbour. Thirdly, A.gainff God. This divi(on or di(lin&ionof fns, mull be fo underfiood char the two former, namely,finagain(l our felves, and againti our Neighbour, b:inrsa real detriment, and sdifadvantage roourfelves, and to our Neighbour. But as fin bath refile&CO God, it doth nor bring any real detrimentto him; Only it may be laid, Firfl, The will of many finners is railed up to that height of wickedneffe, as pur pofely to fet chemfelves to rfitl,onour God, to blafpheme his F name, 33