Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

9% Chap. 38., c/o Expoftion upon the Book of J o"p. Verf. 8, J O B, Chap. 38. Verf. 8, 9, Io, i r. e. Or who fhut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, a; if it had if/liedout of the womb? 9. when I made the Cloudthegarrsrent thereof, and thick darknefs a fwadling bandfortt. so. Andbrake up for it my decreedplace, and fet bars anddoors , I t . , Hitherto (halt thou carne , but no further ; and here pall thy proud waves be flayed. He Lord having queflioned 3o6 about the Fabrick of the Earth , and (hewed the triumph and acclamations of Angels at it,, in the former Context He next leads him to the waters, or carrieth him to the Sea , there to confider his Worksof wonder. As Mofes in the beginning of Geveftshaving fummarily and ingeneral, fpoken of the Creation of Heaven and Earth, defcendeth to particulars; fohere we have the Lord paf- ^ing from one part of the Creation toanother ; from the Creation of the Earth, to that other great part of the Creation , the WI. ters, or the Sea., Verf. 8. who ¡hut up the Sea withdoor; r cfrc, " In thefe words , we have Firf£, TheCreationof the Sea, Secondly, Its Conf{itucion : both fet forth by moff elegant Metaphors. The Creation or Produ&ion of the Sea, is fhadosved by allu- lion to an Infant breaking forth out of thewomb (Verf. 8.) The Conflitution or feulement of the Sea, is carried on in fuie table Metaphors to the end of the eleventh Verfe. Verf. 8. Or who bath fhut up theSeawith doors, whin4 brake forth? á'c. We have here, Firfl, The Birth or Nativity of the Sea; Secondly, What God did with the Sea' when it was born,, - and