Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. Verf. a. the Lords command given Job to prepare himfelf for an Anfwer, as well as he could,to what himfelf fhould fay (verf. 3. ) Gird tip now thy loynes like a man, for Iwill demand of thee, and anfiver thou rate. As the Lord reproved and chid him for what he had Paid, fo the Lord exhorted and encouraged him to fet and lit himfelf the beet he was able, to anfwer what himfelf had to fay unto Thus we have the intendment of there three Verles ; and if him. you would have in one word, a Profpea of the whole following Difccurfe, of God with job, the Sum of it may be given and ta- ken thus : That as Elihu before, fo now theLord would have Job know and confers, that no manmuet prefume to be fcbald with him as to queuion his doings that s the great mark at which God aimed in all he laid to Job. And the confirmation or proof of k is taken up from this unqueuionnble ground Noman rasuft Rue- ¡lion any thing which God doth to him or with him, for this very reafon, Becaufe God doth it ; or, kecattfe God often alone, alwayes in chief, bath done and dothall things. God is the alone Creator of all things, he hath given all things their Being, he bath put all things into the Order in which they Band, and he preferves than in their landing; and if any evil befal man, the hand of God hash done it muchmore than the hand of any man -what then bath any man to do to queftion his doings ?' Now that God alone bathcreated and cloth order all things, he himfelf proves, by calling Job to Phew where he was When the peundatianof the Earthwas laid,andBounds were fet to the Sea, &c. and fo proceeds CO affert and hold forth his foie Power in furnifhing the Earth with Beaus, the Air with Fowls, and the Sea with FiCh. The Lord having thus given Job to understand, that the whole World is his Work, and that he gave Beingto all the Creatures in the World for the help of man,without the help of man,would have him thereby alto underfland and be convinced, that he and all men workings , ought or the produdtsgofehis fProvidence allrthedworld That's (as was faid)the generalPoint carried through this whole over. Difcourfe of God with Job, theparticulars whereof yceldnmucc