Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. i,r. ,1In Expofition upon the Book, of _ J OB. Verf. i 6. Secondly It may be taken as a proverbiall fpeech rota (hall remember it as waters that paffe away, that is, you ihaIl not I orhubJak1 remember it ; it (hall be as it had not been. Who can tell mod;m what waters have pail ? orwhereto finde thofe waters which are quo frgnific*. pall ? to rememberr a thing as waters that paffe away, is to let it tur alcuja,s paffe out of memory. Some things leave Jailing impre(lìons be- fv' bon; fv. hind them, but a fudden palling water.doth not. malt rod jam; ateriit Thirdly We may interpret it thus , Thom 'halt remember it as effe reliqurs,il waters that pall away, that is,:thou fh It remember it as that San&. which (hall never return again , or is quite gone and (halt never trouble thee anymore. Some expound that of the Prophet fo, af:, fliElion 'ball not rifeup the fecond time (Nah. i.9.) (which others, and I think rightly, interpret ofan utter confumption ; there (hall he noneed for affliEtion to comethe fecond time , for it (hall fpoil all at firft : Thy aff3iEtion flail make a total] devaflation.) Yet it may be taken in thefenfe fuggefled. AffliElion (hall not rife up the fecond time, that is, thou./halt not be afflicted thefecond time : The waters ofaffl:Etion are paffed away , and (ball not flow back again. lob (Chap.z 8.4.) (peaks of waters forgotten of foot; he means (as is conceived) waters fo deep, that no man could paffe thorow them , and are therefore faid to be forgotten of the foot , becaufe no foot had pallid them of a long time, nor was any like to paffe them any more. Thus alfo an affliEtion thorow which a man (hall never paffe again , may be called aforgottenaf, fliElion. Hence when the Prophet had laid (Nah. t. 9.) that if? fig ionpould not rift up the fecondtime he adds from the Lord, (verf .) I have afiliCled thee , Iwill eta thee no more. This I apprehend as the proper meaning of the text in hand Thou (halt forget thymifery, or ifthoudoff remember it, thou(halt remember it but as waters thatare pallidaway. Thymifirywill be as nothing to thee , and(hall never return upon thee. Hence Oblerve, The memoryofmiferies whichJhaü never return tohurt us, comp forts us. lc is our joy toremember thofe things which were our forrow-, , when we are beyond the borders of forrow ; fuch a remembrance as joyous as the remembrance ofanevil, whofe returnwefear is £rievous. The very fufpition that an affliélion will renew re' mifirrima of neweth our affliction. Then we feed heartily upon the good pendenuteHan > w which is before uE , when we _ are freed from, the.afterclaps or pc ow! met 135 after;