Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

To the 5hriq,an Read cr.. wing to every one, that portion which is proper to him, his proper doErine, ( oftruth ) his pros per reproofe (oferror) his proper corre&ion (ofevill manners)his proper inftruó ion(about bolineffeofconverfation ) andall in righteouf. nes. While Jefus Chrift himfelfe was fulfilling his Mini, terie here on earth, he performed not onely the officeofa Preacher ( Lola. 4.. 18, r g,. 2o, &c.) but ofan Expofiter alto (Lull; 24@ 27. ) Beginningat Mofes, andall theProphets he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himfelfe. The Scripture is indeed it's ownExpofiter ; darkTexts receive light fromclearer, and thofe which arefoplaine that they need no comment, are a Comment to thofe that need. But though the wont-of God (as to truthand light) be (asGod himfelfe is) felf-fuf iicienc, and carrieth in fore one or other part of it the interpretation of otherparts ;. yet as to man, there ismuch need ofan . nterpre- terfor the due accommodation ofany one part to the interpretationofanother. For the Scripture fuck an Expofiter of it's own hard Places, as it is a judgeof all hard'Queffions and Con- trover f es, arifng from, or grounded upon it ; That is to fay Mnormal not a perfonal Ex. politer.