Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chap. 22. An,-Expofition upon the Book of J ò r. Vert., 2. 13 opening the next claufe ; He that is wife may be profitable to him - felf. The Lord bathdefigned all our wifdome sod obedience to our own benefit : So Maffei (pake to the peopleof Ifrael(Dear. 6. 24. ) The Lord commanded to to doe all theft ftatutes,tofear the Lordoar Gcdfar our goodalwayes, ti-at he might preferve to alive, aT iris at this day. It is not for the Lords good, but it is for our good that he commands, and we obey. And as the Lord com- manded all things in the Law forour good, not for his own : fo . hecommands us to believe the Golpel not for his good, but foe our own ; he is not to be Paved by ir, it is we that are to be Paved by it. He doth not call us to work as men doe their fervant<, that he might play the good husband, and get fame profit by keeping us had at labour. Indeed the Lord keepeth his fervants hard at labour night and day, theymuff be continually upon duty : But hedoth it not (as I may fay ) to play thegood husband, to encreafe his flock by ir, but it is for our profit, That which Chrift (peaks ( til/Iar. 2. 27.) about the Sabboth, is true of all other the commands of God, we are apt to think, that God requires a feaventh day, becaufe it is for his profit and advantage; no faith Chrift, the Lord bath not an eye to hìmfelfe, but to man ; Th- Sabboth wad made for man; that is, for mans advantage, that he might look heaven ward,. that he might worke in the things which concern his own bkffed- neffe, therefore bath the Lord appoyntcd him a yelling day. The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for t he Sabboth. Sixtly, Then our difobedience cannot hurt God, our floret cannot difadvantage him, impaire his bleflfedneffe, or dimi nifh hi- glory. As mans obedience is no profit, fo his difoEe- dierce is no difprofit to God. Sinners fhall be punifhed, s they who have wronged and di(honoured God, they (hail be dealt with as fuch : But really, all the fnnes of the world Cot not bring any damage or difadvartage to God ; tliba is cx, prefl'e to this point, in the 35.-Chap. of this Booke, verf. 6, 7. Ifthou inueft, rehatdaft thou agairft him? ( Every fin is againtl theminde ofGod, but no (inne is againfl the happineffe ofGod) or if thy trapfgre ions be multiplied, what doft thou unto him ? Is God impair'd by it ; Surely no, God loth not loofe a pion from his flceve (as I may fay) by all tht: Ganes committed its the