Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. ,3e. 4n Expofition upon the Beoke of Jo a. Verf. 5 53 But did any bid `David goe and ferve other gods F I anfwer, None fpake thus to hirn formally and dire6tiy in lo many word., noe, and ferveothergods ; But all his enemies fpake thus to him e- quivalently or vertuaily, they fpake it in a parable, though not sn plaine termes; They that drove him out from the inheritance of the Lord, or from the fociety ofGods people, they did as much as fay, goe andferve other gods, for they thruft him among Idolaters, where he was in danger to be inftied, and infnared, either with the falle worfhip ofthe true God, or with the wor- fhip of ffrange and falle gods. This David lookt upon and felt as his foreft burden and greateft danger. in beingdriven out from hisown Country, the inheritance of the Lord. To be drivenout only from the common focietyof men, is fo great an evill that nothing canbeare up the foule in ir, but the pretence of God ; That indeed will anfwer, and more then anfwer, or make up the want of the company and fociety of men , yea of the holieft men. (Irai. 66.5 . ) Heart the w rd ofthe Lord, ye tkat. tremble at hie word, your Brethren that hatedyou, that calf you outfor my name fake (theywere their Brethren, ofone Nation, ofone pro- fefïion and Religion, yet upon fome point ofdifference, they ha- ted them, and caft them out, and that at leaft in a pretence of z:ale for God, for they did it ( faith the Lord )for my names Jake) yea they laid., Let the Lord be glorified. Nowwhat reliefe had they in this cafe ? furely none, but in their own innocency, and in the prefence ofGod with them ; Which is expreffely pro mifed them in theclofe ofthe fame verle, Bat he (hall appeare to your joy, and they /hall be a¡hamed. Thus (.thrift at once fore- warnes his Difciples of, andfoe-armes thorn againft thiskind of expulfion, (lobn 16. r, 2.) There things have Ifpoken unto yore, thatye fhouldnot be offended, TheyJball pat yon out of the Syna- gogues ; yea, ( as it followes out of the world ) The time cometb, that whofoever killeth yea , will thinke that he doth God fervice. Ouronly comfort ineither cafe is, they who are thruft out ofthe Church, or outofthe world for Gods fake, (hall find more then a fupplyofmans prefence by the prefence of God with them, in whole prefence there is fullnes of}oy,and at whole right hand thereare pleafures for evermore. Thirdly In that it is faid, They were drivenout from among men; Note