Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

The .Table. ¡What rules may dire& us in the Government of our affecti- ons ? 3i. VVhy fhould Affections be kept within their bounds ? ibid. How may immoderate Affections be prevented or cured? ibid. VVhy fhould we try , and carefully governour affections? 34. VVhether may theftrength of grace confift with the want of thofe ftrong offeftiors which men have at their firft converfion ? 35. In what Cafes may Chriftians want ftrong offellions ? and whence it comes ro pafs? 36. 37- VVhat muff we doe when wehave loft our firft affeaions .? CHAP VII. About e4ffli£tions. VVhat is AffliE ion ? and why God fuffers his Children to be affli&fed and diftreffed a 39, 40. But what (hall we fay to extraordinary 4fftiaiors ? and fundryObjeéi- ons anfwered, 40, 45- Other reafons why God fuffers his children to be greatly diftref- fed. 4r. What defigns bath God inaffliETing his Children ? 44. What may comfort us in ofliltiors ? 45. What further may comfortus in afflictions? 46. Howmuff we prepare for affliaions ? ibid. What may we do to know themeaning of Gods rod ? ibid. How (hall weknow thatour áf fliiions are for triall, and inftruetion, and notfor fin ? 47, How to finde out that particularfin for which Godcomas us ? ibid. How maywequiet our hearts in affliction? ibid. How our afflictions are faid to be fhort ? 48. What are the benefits of receiving 'our afflictions as from God ? ibid. VVhat is to be feared whenafflictions are heavyand longb? ibid. How than we bear afflictions rightly, and befure toprofit by them ? and whence this wifdom toprofit by them isgotten ? 49 VVhat are theends of afflictions? ibid. VVhether all afflictions are cvill intheir ownnature?and whether liim. ply evill ? 5o. How afflictions come to be good ? ibid. Howwe mayprepare our felves to conflict withAfflictions? ib. VVhat may moveuspatiently tobear fuch afflictions asGod layes on us? 52.. HowGods love is manifefted to us in afflictions? 53- Howwill it appear thatafflictions cannot hurt GodsChildren? 54* How God intends, and works our good by afflictions ? 55.i VVhat comfortthe confideration hereof may bringus ? :bid,. How may we know that our afflictions are trials, and not puoifh- meats ?