Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

ledge : efpecially that which bath the flampe of grace upon it, and isproper to the people of God. Send toheauen for it by prayer to the Lord : fearch in theword for it with all good indeuours : by hearing and reading, by meditation and con - ference, by obferuation and experience, and all other good exercifes. Confutation offilch as bee altogether careleffe ofvnder. (landing, that haue pail a f}ate oftheir foules to ignorance for tearme of life : they would be reputedreligious andgodly,and yetwant both mettall and making ofall religion andgodlines: but they though they bewithout knowledge haue(as they fay) a good minde.But why faith the Scripture ? without,.nowledge the_.twinde is notgood. Prou. i y,2.yet they hope in another world to fpeede as well as the bdl : and yet theApof}le teacheth that ,Chrifl (hall come in flaming fire, rendringvengeance to them that doe not knowGod : doe they fpeede fo well that be condemned ? z .The( r .8. Secondly, ofthem that haue gotten Ionic knowledge, but are voyde ofall fnceritie and obedience : it is not a vertue for their good,but a. fin for their hurt : and though for a time they make it ferue their turne for a Phew, yet it will turne to their forrow in the end, for they increafe the hardnesof their hart, and the guiltinefTeof their confcience,and thenumber of their íiripes, according to the meafure of their truitles knowledge. Luke, i 2.47. For thyLye's'hall be multipyed by me, and ,theyerresof Verle, z r. thy life(hall beaugmented. Ifthou be wife, thou(halt be wifefor thyfelfe,, and f thou VerLe,rze. be afinner,thoualone (haltfufer. After the difcriptionofwifedome,whereby it maybe right- ly difcerncd is heere propofed the profit and reward of it, wherebywe are perfwaded to imbrace it : and that is. Firfi, in a perticular, namely?long life: which is not fo to be vnderfloodeas though it wereperpetual! and fo ofabfo- lute neccfsitie :for thengood men muff grow to be old men E. and 2