Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

t. 107 ter: but DAt~id had no warrant to feeke a reucnge, and to fweare to de that, which as yet he had no calling vnto. This kind offwearing is a taking of the name ofGod in vaine, whether the oath be broken or kept.For iftnenbreake it,.(as in this cafe they ought to do) yet they haue fin.ned ~ in tha,t fo lightly and rnlbiy 5 they tooke vp the nameofGod,~s that vpon better conGderation, they were driuen to recall their oath againe: but ifthey keepe their wicked oath (as Herod Marke '· did) that is moH £1nfull of all; for then they make G.od an Author andpatron oflinne>and call him for a witndle and· · allower of their ecill . So that for vs to fweare, wee will bee mcete with fuch as haue done vs fame wrong; and that wee will be reuenged ofrherri, or fuch like: it is a grieuous pro– phaning ofGods holy nam-e/or Gods name fhould feare vs from cuill, and not bind vs to eulll. Thirdly, Gods name is exceedingly diibonored and pol- ~aife fwea• lutedby [wearing f~llfely,by forfwearing ones felfe, which is ~~~u~;. moll vfually called periurie. This is a mofl horrible fin, tending to a moll fearefull damriation.For ifwe iliall giue anac-· count for euery "idle word, as ChriH faith, and ifmen be fubicct to damnation for euery vaine oath,asS.lamcs affirmeth: Matth .12. then, whadhaJI become ofthofe,that will dare to call God tobeare witne£feoffaHl1ood, and beare themfelues out in a lie, bypretending his natnc? ,Therefore in Zachar. S• 4· the Lord fi1ewes, that his curfe (like a fretting Leprofie) fhall come vpon the falfe fwearer, and vpon his houfe, to confum·e him,and,to deuourc hishoufe and fubttance , and fl l:dl " eate into them,. till it haue brought them to nought. And in thePfal. I;·4· it is_fct downe as a note and marke of a true ChriHian,that hauing fv\'orne to his hinderance, hee will yet keepe his oatb.Then how farre is he from being a good man, that will ofpurpofe fweare that, which he neuer purpofeth to performe? and fet abett~rcolour vpo~ an vntruth, by garnithing it with an oath? For it were better to lofe any commodtty, than Gods fauour; and fufter dan1mage inany thing,rather than in the matter of\;ods glory. · Now the circumflances .do aggrauate this fi nne. It is very wicked and curfcd, if it bee in a priuateplace, and apriuate - ... _· H caufe: