Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

.... \ r:;,,,,1#'1! it , ill example to feduce him; yet{If~y)ifhe had neede ofthis (as God in his wifedome faw hee had) becaufe his calling (though foll.o-wed without tedioufnefle) would . ~et partly haue withdrawne his heart, that hee could not fo treety and whollyhaue ·gjuen htmfdfe to praifingofGod, and conft.. dering of his power,.wifedome and mercie·: and therefore was to fee one day apart from all works ofhis vocation, that he might wholly addj6t himfelfe to religious andholy ex.. ~rdfes, arid with greater libertie and comfort doe them: Then what neede haue wee? and how·far re is our neceffitie greater? which are burdened with many corruptions ofour owoe, and haue temptation from many ill prcfidents,;and many aJiurcments of the World.,to pull our heans from the wotfhip ofGod: which are men of poHuted lips our felues, and dwell among people ofpolluted lips :and which can- .not without far re greater diHra&ion, and wearine·fle alfo, follow our caHing.IfAdam had need ofaSabbath,when he had no let within, nor whhour, how much more haue wee? which both within and without are befct, and on cuery fide compafied with fiJCh llrong impedim~nrs from our {dues and others,.that when we ·haueaS:tbbath,to bellow wholly ~ndonly on god1ines and religion, can yet hardly and wirh · much a doe keep our hearts from wandring afrerthe world, an.dearthly things. For,ifAdam had nee.d in his innocencie to behelped with aSabbath: then no man in this.WorlJ i5 fo l.lrong,as that hee_. for that caufe, n1ay exempt bimfelfe ',.-keeping a Sabbath. le was giue9 to theng~hcn and hdpe the Iewes,and they needed it: y-ea, it was gmen toA– d-tm,and he needed ir,,that he might more freely fcrue God, and more c.omfort?bly reioy.ce in him; ~n4 , f~~ this reafon alfo,is perpetualJ ar1d not acercmoni-e. 'l<;;i, · ~ Thirdly,~he m:anner ofdeliuery con.firtllCS the pcrpetuitie · ~~n~:~:f ofit,and fhewes that it is Hill ofas great fol'ce,.as any ofrht the dto}iue. reil rfor this was writtenby the finger ofGod, .in the tables ne~ offlone with the other, to iliew the durable continu~mceof the fame; and therefore thts is not exempted. Deut.t·o•4· Tben he (viz.the Lord) wrot~ vpon the ta!Jles> ac-c,rdif.l[, 11 thl. ffrft "Writing,tht ltf! C•;,w__hich the Lordj}flk$vn. li ~