Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

·134 ·.. - • - were to rem(mbcr, ythe.celebrating ofthe feuenth day; , · then how much n1ore careful~ a regard of the I.ords daya·re we bound vnto? fince,befidc this benefit ofour making, we · haue a greater ofour redeemingby the bloodofChriH, ad... ded vnto it. So that,ifone(and a ldler)caufe,were {ufficient , tomoue the Iewes to fanLHfie it: then ooght wee fo much the n1ore to make confcienceofdedicating this day wholly . vntoGoq)by how much h<:·e harh lhewedgreater n1ercie to vs. So that we lhould neuer fpeake,or thinke ofthis change, but wee fi1ould alfo_ call to minde this great benefir, which was the caufcof it: and laya double bond vponour owne foules to keep it. IfAdamhadacaufe to fpend aday inprai-_ fiog God for his creation, then wee hauc greater caufe: !1th, befides-that, weehaue alfo the redemption to bee thankfull for. And ifthis be agoodargument,Wekeepe nor rhe idfe– fame day that the Iewes did, therefore the day is aboJiilicdJ·_ andwe are boun'd to keepe none : then by the fame reafon one might conclude thus: You fee W<' haue not the fame Sa- . ·-craments, as concerning the outward feales, that the Iewes had, (for they had Circumcif1on; an~ the Pafchall Lambe: but now thefe fignes be altred) and therefore wee need not regard Baptifme,nor theSupper of the Lord. This were no goodargument in this cafe; for though the figncs bee diffe– rent,yet the fubtlance is·the fame: Chrift Iefi1s is t1gnifiedby cur BreadandWine,as well 'as hy their Lambe; and byour , Baptilme, as well a~ by their Ctrcumcifion. -Thercfore wee lhould not defpife them, but bee fo n1uch the more care– ful) to prepare our felues for them, becaufe .the tfcruice is moreeafie,and thc_promifes more lightfome. Ifthen it will not hold that wee haue noSacraments,bccaufe the outward fealcs bealtered: then it is as wcake a confequence, that we haue no feuenth day to bee fancHfied, becaufe rhe day is changed,and weekecpe not the fame that they did. So that no proofecan begathered,from-the varyingofthe day,that the dutie is abolilbed, becaufe the authoritie to connrme– curs is Apoflolic.ali, and the rcafon as good, and rh is obie... obiefl. 8:ion.qorJ1 ~?o_~~oldJn t~~ ~ik~ :eafe•. Againe t.hey o~icd,d1~t to a Chnll1an euene ·day 1s a Sabb~tb, and theteforc wee , . . , lhould