Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

!6~ he will do nothing,or that whic~he doth,is all with eye""fcr~ uice tO\. be feene ofmen; and whenhis mallers eye is off,' idlendfe,wa!lfi1lnes, or pilfering, he will hurt him more., then the faithfuH keepingofthe Sabbath can hind~r him; for indeed,1hiscan he no hinderance at all, but rather ameanes to bting the bldlingofGod vpon them, and their labours in the weekday.As lttco/J~a fait~full feruant ofGod, wasblem~d in all Lallans bucinelfe; and Iofoph, a true wor– fhip__perofthe Lord, had profperitie to _follow and accom– pany him in all his trauds. Therefore, ifwee will ilicw ~ur leue to God,.and to them, and de fire that they be faithfull vntovs, and that God fi1ot 1 1d blefle their trauels in our af– faires; let vs bring them to the feruice ofGod, and exercife · ofrdigion on the~abbathJand haue a care thatthey breake not the holy dayofthe Lord. · · . , 1i'Tt ' 1 • . This firH ferueth for tbe reproofe of thofe men> which Repreufes bcare this rn.ind toward their feruants, That, fo their owne ofm:dlel s k b r. d h h hG d k b . that:giue wor e epenorrne , t ey care not t oug o swor e c: Jibet~ie to negleaed: Let their femants bee careftdi eo doe their buft. fenunts to ffi . h r:. d d1 . h b 1 IT'. h l.reake the ne e on t e nxe ayes, an et t · em ec as ca-re cue as t ey Sab~ath. litl ofGods worfni pon the (euenth day,let them fpen,d that how they will,. they haue free libertie from their maflers• . This fheweth men to be louers ofthcmfdues more then of God, aud proueth that they Ioue filthie lucreandgaineof the world, more then the glory ofGod. For if ·Gods glorit' were but as deare vnto them,as their money>they would be– as impatient at his dilhonor by their feruants prephanenes,. as at loifes that come to themfelues, by theirferuan~s negli- ~nc~ · · . Oh but (fay they) they be rude perfons, and breake ou~ from vs, we cannot keepe them in. Be not thefe deepe' dif– f'emblers? Is not this grolfe hypocrifie ? can you not keepe t~hcm in? who keepe[h them in on the 6xe dayes? can you·, make them tarry at home then ? can·you fet them at their work,and not fuffer thetn to be gadding? Yet that is for fixe· daye~ fpace, this-is but for one; that labour which then they, doe, is farre more toilefome; and canyou make them, wil~ theyJ nill they., fpend fixe whole daycs, in m.orc painefoldl: , - . an