Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

,Yfe I, t68 T !JefottrthCommandement. _ ·themon burningalfo.Therefore, in loue to Gods glory, to our neighbouts foule, and to our felues, and thofe that bee neere vs,we mutllabour by what m~anes we can,tq,hir.der euen a {tranger from breaking the Sabbarh. Now, if one rpuH hinder Hrangers,howmuch more thofechat are borne:, and dvvell in the fame place, our neighbours, children, or feruants? Ifwe fee fuch prophaning the·Sabbath,we lhould much tn0re hindertbem,by admonitionand rcproofe; efpeci~llie ifwee fee them runne to thi!Jgs that be limplye– uill,and in their ownenature at all .times vnlawfull. There– fore,formenthat be offome account and note,in the con– gregation, to cmne among headie young people, and fee them carried violently t,<> daund~g, to gaming,or any fuch 1ewdnes,on the Lords q:ay efpecially, and let them go on, without any rebuke or exhortation, ueuer telliAg themof it,n6r dehoning them from it; this lheweth, that there is but nlittle loneofGod,in fuch, and that·they haue Htde re– gard ofthemfelues,and oftheir owne families. And in t·ruth this is a great caufe, that mak,eth wkkednes grow fo fall, and fin ne to be pra6tifed with anhighhand ,andyouth grow to fuch lhameleife and impudent bolclnelfe, becaufe themi· niAer fightcth aldnea·gainfl fiune: none elfe will open h~s mouthagainfl it,or difcomuenanc~ ic.··Hee that would not !\and by,and fee hisoxe fall into the ditch; but would helpe him out,willlooke on, while his neighbours runne head– long·to hell,and fay not aword toredaime them. This re– mifleneffeofmen, that are it1fome eAimation,in the towne, maketh proudyouths oftlimes,foaudacious,as to fet them• felues opetily again{l theMinifter' do6hine, and as it were by their practife in the heateof luA, to contrarie hi m, euen, when h_ee is reprouing any 'linne, when the doarine is yet hot,and the found of his voice is fcarce gone out of their -eates,then to run)ope.nly to gain-fay that,which was taught in the Church, fo foone as th~y ·Come out of the Church. This fhength of impietie proceedeth hence (t fayj that the Minifler hath no he-'lpe, none ·hath 'ZealeofGods gl0ry/o that·he is grieued at his dilhonour) none fo much cha– :ritie,andcornpa~onouer his neighbours,as to fecke to pull - , . them