Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

'178 our ement. v1eth his infinite p'owet now, for chehelpe and preferuation ofhis childre-n,ils he w~llvfe it then for their glorification. If we cannot oeleetlC ihat God canhelpc vs'now)J0\\1 lliall fay) wee bdceue hee will raifc our rotren bodies ·out ·cif the gra_ue,fi .riwe baue the fa:ne powe:and protnife:fortheone·~ as ·\KJ'ell <:s for the other? Therefore it i-i a ·great fauJc ·ami iliarne; for Chr·iHhtns to At downe difcourage.. cl. h Gods ~;L;.~~~~- power ldfei1ed? Is his hand tbonned? hath ~tioc he faid that Pf.J.37·6l. he will uot faile vs, nor forfake vs? and rhat a little thatche righteous hath,is better rhen all the ·great · fi~hes ofthe wic.. ked? Gods hlelling caq d<)e more the'n ·wea~th · : ·:u1d , hee alone is bette·r -rti· vs, then ifvve· had :_~fH the1 w6fld .wlthouc hihr.. ·, ~ ·- · · , --: .- 1 _ . i · I . · ., · • . ~ . · ~ ., This fcrueth likewife·for the terrot of wicked men : ·God' can a5 c~[lly f'et he~ti~n.· and ea~th 'on. fir~/a:f? 'd b;tn·g them t :() . n~~hing,and that iil a~ ; little ;pace~· :a:; ~e ma·~hfchem ofno..; iltiiig~: ,tliep m:ucR rr}f)r'esatl ~e Oi·ing': t~ ,ddlrutH0n bafeGti!.. nerti;n·oc·v·,• ?l! rhei1:·wodtHy hdps)fhee be·· adu'erfarie;(as he i~ a pr9fdle.d enemte to ;a_Uprou·~ -arid V\· H .., full fini'iers.y · · 1 · '· • ·· : Th;~i! Harrer rhem;fd~t;s,)t' fi}ahl be'~el with them,bec~ufe . r-fi'ey· 'qevn·derla~g \iJidl-~: ~a·ItH)fupp{>r·red wi~fl~ends~,rnouh~ ded a'nd feiiced\vich poli~ie: but h'ow llarids ·t~e ~rnaher-'betwixt Godand rhem? are d1eyhi's inheritance ?'is heerecon-· cileq vnto thern? N;ty(thou·gh chey will nct;:in word fay f~; yer theiflife proci~im~di_'it) tEey doe not gr~adyeare.for· his·, faito~r/ot they 'f~a;e p_t.J(t to ·br~akc· h1~ law vp6r(a~~i frn-alr oct'aJ~o l1.ffu~elY. cne'n ·l~c t hJrn ku~vJ;chat tlley are hi ,flo'fafe-· ' iy ~ God . cati _:pull vp ·their defence, and pull away their props.and fo.ppons: 'hee ·c'an as eafily bringa r~ch man to bell, ·as' a po-ore·; and ' as_foon~ ott~nhrow the ellare,and damne t,he fo,hle ofrhe :grea.ttHPr'ii1ce~ i(l1e b~naught, as of thebafdi ·b t;.ggai·~ Thctefore,thofe tha't leauir1gGod, !cane' to worldly props;fii'ew thanhey litrie·beleeue rhe power of God,and little thinke of the c~·calion ofthc World. Thus– much (or the<.xainp1e ofGoci.No"'! die13{1 reafon isd·rawne from the ~n:cf ofthe S:tbbath (ilain.ely' y God bath coqfecra). t~d it to bi:ing abldfingori thekeepers ofit,)in thefe words;:· where- .