Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

reuercnccJ and-con[cience, and.being wicked,coritcmne it•. Thereforethdr foules be cutoff, their hearts hardned :·and. thus in fiead ofreceauing the blcffing,whichGod bath pro• mifed to the keepers ofthe Sabbath, they are plagued with . the iudgcmentswhich hebath threatned,.againfi me tranf- .. grdforsofit•. Al~o ler.· l7•27: he f~ith,if t~ey pollute hit Sabba~h,hewlll ktndle a fire 111 the1r hoafes, that lhall noc bequenched. For their outward eftate theybenogaincrs 1 that breake the Sabbath: for God will either eonfume their. goods with fire,or fend a curfe which like an vnquenchablc fiamelhalldeuoure allthcirfubl:lance. So that, if wewould not be guilty ofdeath,& haue our foules cut off from Com– munion withChriA,andhisChurch, & our goodsalfo con- . fumed and brought tonothing,by theveageanceofGod 1 then let ys keep his Sabbath holy,and bellow it in holy exer-· cifcs.Sith therfore Goddothpromife a bleffing vpon thofe that fancHfie his Sabbath, that they lhall thri..e in the Lor.ds·-– hou{e~and in rcligion,and in other worldHematters,fofarrc· as. may fiantl with.true ·ptofp.eritie: fith heepath fpoken'. , this,.and· that mu& lland,. which·goeth out of his mouth,~ . ." therefore it. is for their,c.omf.ort).that the bleffing ofGod 1i r•.· ffiall attend v·pon.thcm,whetherthey baueU.ttle,ormuch. If · . they haueabundance,the abundance llull befor·thdl"'gt>od, . ~eo be more~bund.ant i~ good workcs; and.ifthey hauebuc. fiom.hand tomouth, Godwill prouide, th:ltyet they lhall:: __. not want neceffarie thingi,put hec that bringJ.thcday-, will ' briog food .and rnaintenaace for the day 1 fo that bteneede! not to care fo~ to morrow, but let him caft his carevpo11 ·God,whofe truth it concerned~, to care for him. And this they are fureof,that they lball haueafoft heart, and aquiet· c.onfdence,and-lllall:recciue comfort from·Gods promifes. Aad ifone-thriue in Gods houfe, hec ncede ne~ Jeare, nor"· dQubt how he fhal,l doe in his owne houfe. One may ~know~ hqwhe lhall fpe~tf at heme,by he feruethGod. : iu the Church•.Ifhekeep anhol1'reA, heart,he ··, fhallhaue reG.:ro·his,-foule,peace and ioy 'tohis·coafcience,. tnd be fet info(ur~ atl1>UtW.aJd c1lace, . ~s .- tbat .nothing.fhall ; ~ b_cfall:bim)for.his hurr.,. · ·- Jkac,!.