Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

8 · ThePrefoet. . alhamcd ro maintaine thofe words, which God :him(dfe was not ailiamed in his owne per(on to fpeake? and where- . ..JAa;k 1.38. ofChriH ~ahb~·He that ~s a~amedDfme,and my wordes;be.. . . f<?re m~tun this world, I wlll be·afPamed·.ofhill) be(ore tny ·Father m the wodd -to come. If God had.but fent his An– geb vnto vs withanyC0mmaundement, the.·glorie ..of fudt mdfengers fuould make VS bold tO def-end andmaintaioe -. the meflage.: b~~fi?ce ?o.d.di~ not fend an~hoRofAngels, .but came h1m.te~(ml11s Matc ~H~, accoropamedwit·h all- his holyAngels,waiting \and~ttending vpon ·him, fbould not we 1 now giue m~ch morereuerence t_o .thofe things, which .he i pake,and takemuchmorecour~ge t() Aand fqr.the maintenance ofhis.comma·undemcnts? . · · · · This feruetb. therefore cxceeding~y to condc:m1,1e t'heir daf.lardlinc:tfe,that arc: afraid tokeepe the S~bbath,or·19doe any fuch duty,.becaufe they fl10Uid bee -C(\Untcd Puritancs. · But is it not berter that men lhould hate vs witho·ut caufe, then that God lhould haue aquarrell againll vs vpon a iult caufe? .. · , Is it not much better that they lbould fcoffe at vs for good, then that God fhould plague vs for·euill? What a fhame is it therefore for vs, that when we heare wicked he– retiques fpeaking againll the Jaw of God, and AtheHls breaking his_law,and blafphemin:g his name. wee ·thould hold dowoe our heads, andbecome mute,as though it were amatter offome great difcre.dit for vs, to fpeake for that which God himfelfe,in his owne perfon,hath fo highlie recommendedvnto vs? . . . . ,..;r. Thirdly,this ferues to teach vs to~eep~ this Jaw fpiritual .. r Jl J• r-. r: G d h h ly,becaufe ·it is fpirituall: 10r 1uch as. o is t at made t e law,fuch is that lawWhich hee .made. It reacheth therefore .to the in.ward parts ofcuery man, and lieth clofe vpon his confcience., And indeede in this it dooth efpecially difte·r from the )awes· of men: for thc:y doe tye the hande, and ·· , the tongue, and the foote,to thego<'d-~bearing, an.d .take notice if any'ofthefe be faultie agailJtl them :·but thc:y m~d .. die ·not w~t~ .the heart, and make no que!Hon ofjb~in- · ·ward motions ofth~ foule, becaufe man can bting;~t~:..nfc .o . ·p~tO.- C· ,,'' .$."'~