Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

ItThe Prefoct. . dayes,which the Popehathappointed;than ofthe .Sabhad, d·ay,which 6odbath commanded.So,formofl ·carnali .pro.. ·fcffors am·ongva,who almotl is there that regardedi the Sab· b-ath &fcarcth to breake it,any further than the'law ofm·an: wihakehold ofthem?&: fome be ·afi·aid, lell,ifit beknown, they f11ould be·reproued for it' pubiiqueiy, at1d the miniOer would let theheare ofit in.theChurch.Buc iftheycould keep themfdues dofe from the Magiflrate,&Minifler,would not moll ·!nenwilHngty befollowing their bufindfe y day?Thi~. is tQ procblme themfelues hypocrites,and that theyhaiie no fe-1re ofGod, norregard ofhimin their heats•. Oh btit they 4opc they are good·Chriflians,anddo keep the lawofGod,. for they do not Healc,nor fweare, nor lie: but do they not · know that God fpake al thefe words,& therfore he bathno , found heart,that addieteth not himfdfr:o keep them al? T?fe. 2.0 •. This mull teac'h vs alfo, that vvhen wefee that God doth not bleffe vs accordin-g to his promifes made ·to ·thofe that feare him,thenwe~mull examine our felues dilig-ently con– cerning our obediece to this his law;whether we Iiue not i.n fome finne,or whetherfotneoJcl Gn lie notin vs,which hadt neuer been rep-ented of:for certainly God layeth nopunifb,., rnentvponvs,butondy for contempt,or neglect ofhis law. Wherfore when he llrikes vs,we mu!l begin r·o examine. our Gen.u.~ o.bedience.So did JaciJb in Genefti,whenhis {onncsSimeon& L1ui had committed that cruel fa~,and bee was therfore be– come o.dious in the light ofthe people of the land : then he · k11owcs that there could not be fuchtrouble without; ifall were wel within.The1fore he begins to fearch·his family;and · tG fee howahhings wentthere,and then hee perceiuethpre· fently the caufe ofall thefe flirres; for his houfe was Rained ·with Idolatrie,his wife had got-ten her fathers Idoli,attd ma– ny ofhis peoplewere infetted with fupedliti<On. Then no ~ .. wonder;,though therewere fuch troubles abroad, whethere . fuch.diforder at home.Therfore he purgeth his houfeof: ahhis filthineffe>& buriethal thefe Idols in the ground,tha,t . they m_i ght.neue.r~urt him or anieofhis-,anymore. Alfo this. .. fetttcth for .tht fin gular CQrnfortofall Gods children, -"Phat~·· fit-h.althefebe. Go,ds C_qmmaride.mecs)euenal 1 as welas -~ne;;. · . ;he.tforc. ~