Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

The Prefoct. 19 SeconcUy, God llieds his loueabroad in the hearts of his . children~rnd makes them crieAbbaJather. This is not fo in ,Rolll.8,ry•. men~ they,when they beget a fonne, cannot beget achild.;. like affeCt-ion inhim,but oft times the children be rebellious and llubborne: but ifGod beget a child tohimfelfe,by the . fcede ofhis word, he makes him affeCted to him as to his fa– ther.lfthen,we haue th·is affe6lion to God, that we,Ioue him as ourfather,certainly this ishiS-work,.&we are his children. , Alfo God the Sonne,ChrHl Iefus, where he comes,hc kils Gi!I.~ . l<f.. tinne,ryeabates our lull and worldlineffe, and workes a frefh Ioh·4· 14; fpring of grace and holinefle: but ifwe fede no workofhis death in vs,to mortifieour fin,then how can wee know that he died for v~? Ifthe power ofhis refurretlionhatJe had no e.ffcCtin vs for our fan&ifying, how can wee beleeue that he didnfe again for our iufHfyingandquickening? So,for God the holy ghofl,where he comm~th,heconuincetk the w0rld Ioh.I6·8~ . <?ffinne. Before,a naturall man can fay much for his fin, he can defend it,andhath wit to ;tlleage many things for it,and : wiii hold -vp his head in maintenance ofit: but when Gods fpiritonce entreth into the heartJ that fees himdowne,and makes·him he cannotlookevp,till he haueconfeffedhis fin, . and craued pardon, and been afiumedof it thr<~ughly. Buc many there be,that would bee thought tohaueGods fpirit, ~et will oot be reproued : but that is verified·ofthem,that is fp·okenofthe foole in the Prou~17•2 2. Bray afoole-it~a mgr• . t4Y,41 ·Wht4te iJ· !Jr-Aied-With A pef/ef/, rtt wif/ not hedepa't from:• hkfollie. Bu.t ifGods fpirit rcproue, andchecke thee for thy finne, andmake thee fearc: blelfed art thou, for G·od is-thy . God. . _ . Ohbut I ammore troubled and terri-fied now,than I was-, bef0re. True: and it mull be fo. For Gods fpirit, where it · takes place,mufl needes conuince men offinne. For it is not : (as tnany think) amatter ofwit, to flanJ in defenceof finne, and to be able to fpeake fbr a bad thing,but it is a matter of :· ·. lull·; for where luH: hath dominion, it whets the ·wit to fpe~:;: ,, for it.,and the diueUhel ps: but ifGods fpirit comeonce, i~·~~,~.u:, . dritks to aplaine .confeffion, and cafls downe Sathans do~.::·:-y,. · ;.. minion,~nd the11lu!l ruleth,the w~t no-more. Alfo.the fruits. , ·· of: