Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

· The Preface. - l 3 they could crie vntoGod,a11d had. not elfe·to goe vnto but him and hin1 theyw.ould goe vnto)andGay vpon, knovdng that.)he could helpe them,ifhe would, and w0uld alfo for :- 1 his promife fake d.eliuer them: then we f~e~the ~ay t~at was . appointed. for thetr forrovv,turncd to thetr 1oy;ywhtch was· purpoC.J eo bnt!g ddh~tCtion vpon ·them, brou.ght ddlrudion vpo i thetr en~mtes) and the day of their tnofi ex– treamc captiuicy, prooued to be theday·of their moll ioyfull dcliucr•nee. · And it mull nee·des be fo: for··elfe God fhould lofe the Reafon. endofhis correCtions, for he- torre~ts the~ to make them Heb,Il.r(). partaker:; ofhis holines.But, ifhe fhould fuffet· them topine a,way,and to cate vp their heartswithgriefe;this \Vould ·not make them more holy, but inore finfull, and therefore hee iaith,hc will notlet the r.od ofthe wicked ·lie alwaies vpon Pfal.t2~·3. the righteous, ~dl he put forth. his ha·nd to··euill. Noting, . .that ifthego·dly lhould bee too much a'tHitled, they could · not hold out,but would turne alide to finfull courfes :· but ' God willnoneofthat,for then he fhouldmi{fe Qfhis intent. So he fpcakes it1another place~Efay 51:1·6.that he 'Willnot at– way chide,. left thejpirit foou!afiziJ!t before;him: Shew~ng,that if he t'hould not moderate t'he ·croUes ·of his faints, they would faint,and perHh vtfetly.,andthenhee_fuould.bee · ih~ lofer. ·· Ifaman in tatning his Colt, fl\ouldbr~ke his backe, or. 'otherwife fpoyle him, the M~Her fhc;n.lid·no 1 t only hurt ,his. beall,but: alfo hinder ,hifnfelfe: iA .JJiike th~t1ner when God . comes tohis ownedetb, which ·b~fore tne~i calfing·are (as I oh fpeaketh). wilde A_,ffo co/ts,vtitamed an~ y.pruly,hee will Iob.tuz. maflerthem,and humble them, andmake them Houpe, but he wi)l no.c breake,dellroy, or confume them: for then the•' dammage were his owne,he lhould croffe·his·owne·P.tJrpofe; ~hich is to bring thetn to life. · . . .' .. · ThereforeGods childrenmaybeaffuredofcomfort~ ·at1d · a·happy end thal foilawan Vlilcomforcable.beginning,a i0y– fuUdeliuery,fhall come in ftead ofa grieuous feruitude. · The v-feofthis is,to teach vs neuer to f.1int vnder·our crof~ Vft ~~ -. fes and -tFoubles, bee theywhat theywill bee,neuer.beedif-– courag~do-.