Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

30 1 The Commandement. ment,ifwe can come to.deny the world, and neuer to tn~a · to thefe things,vvhen wee haue them (for the abundance of them cannot helpe vs without.Gods bleffing) nor to bedif– couraged.and catt downe, though they be aU taken away;· becaufe the want ofthem,lhall not hurt vs,, if God bee w~th, vs ·:: for we liue by his blelling, and therefore wee mutl our felues onclie to rdl on him, .· and notto le.ane to ant creature•. Beforemyface.-. . BEc~mfe this js tl~e moll fpiritt,lall. commandemenr, and: · doth ~ofi prefle vpon theheart, and wee are moll ready i.n this,matter to diflemble with men, and decciue our owne fo.ules,thercfore God doth.more neerely vrge ic, and fayth;,, before me. , · . ·, . . . , Voflr.. 'Hence we learnc,that it is not enough Jo .tp behaue our· felues,as that no impiety breake forth from Vi before men, r we mull . but we muf:llooke to our hearts., and fee that no impictie, notoneli~ c;ome in Gods llght. For a man may. preach& exhort others, c:{~,!~h~~· tO·the loue ofGod,and yet ifhe do this forvaine glory, and toreme.n, not for Godsglo.ry, to get promotiotf to himfelte, and not b~;~~~~tro falnation to Gods people,heat that very ,time fets .vp an fdot ~u~~e vp· in his heart. For God fearche,th the hean•.Therefore?Jauid: ~~G~~:;~·- fa:ith Salomo:-t, See that thou fcrue God with an vpright fight.. _ : heart :.or elfe, for all thine outward obedknceJ thoud}lalt · I.Chto.l:~ · d d h' F G dh l r. ' . 11 d c· 9 , oe as goo as not mg. or o at 1 a Jpecta regar o ' the hea'rt, arid doeth as well difcerne the moll fecretrhi'ngs ofche foule,a,s anyman cloth theoucwatd aCl:ions ofthe bo.. dy.. . So .leremie I-7 -·lO. I the Lord_(earch the heart. God dooth not looke on theoutfide oneJy,but on the in fide alfo. , Shewes cannot deceiue hiin. If we fay, and fweare and pro– te!l-neuer fo much -that we l9ue and feare .him,ifthis .bee not inour fqule)it is not before his face: but in his fight there is · nothing ,but hypocrifie and diflimula~ion. For men firll looke to. the outward behauiour, and hence defcend tO· .. iudg!! of7the,heart: ·but God ·firll appr~ues the hearc,",.and, t:hetuhe.outwar.d afrion.It wefee·gpod;things. outwardly:~,: . •., • . W.ct