Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

:34 ' d . ~ . . . . . ~ lb . ffi n. 1 ~-a~ilitie;an ·. iie~dii1effe t.O'nelp.e:,v~ ;~-;fa we 1'1~:1· . e -el e~~ua .. 'ly'draw'ne:to t~tt:A in.h1tn.Ail<i'·iildced t·his·ofcen ' m~dit-ating and th_it1kmg'vponGods word; is the next way to make·vs ~like God, and to renue and tepaire the_imageofGod in vs. 2.Corin. J: Fot~by fee ing ChriH in the Gofpe1,we are chagtd from glo– ss. ·ry toglo~y,& the more we know him,the mo~ewe increafe ·inbei!1g like to him.So long as we know in part,we are like in part}btit whet~ we fhall hau·e pe~fcll: l<nowleclge, then we .!hall be perfect in holinefie,a'ndperfett in rightcoufneffe,as ··he is perfeet.As I .lob~3• 2 . he faith,Nt~w it appeareth,nt~t'Whttt wefoalbe :hut whenhefoal/appeare, \\?e jhallbe !if<! him.. And why like him?becaufe \\?efoal k,.now htm a! he i1. So that y per– feCtion ofknowlcdge,will bring the perfection ofholh1eCfe; and the more we increafe in knowledge, the more all good things will hfcreafe invs:and ifour knowledge were once perte6t, we iliould be perfeCt, withQut weaknes, or jnfirLoucGod. miiy. - .. :. ·.·. . Thenext duty is loue. Thatwemuflloue··Oid with ~IIBoMr heartJ>dndallour[o~le1sas is cpmmaded,Lukf tb'.The reafon Aft.r7.28. is,becaufe he ist~at IehfJilt~h inwhomwe · liue~we - riloue,and haueo~rbeeing:he is our God that giues ~vsall tgood things; and can only free ~s fronj ~ll-J fi~J;le,~tui d~i(e~y:. t-~eref~r_e\we are bo'tirid·toferdeeur whole lou·e vpo~ hi.m. And,. indee_d t-his is thechiefduty,& tlle·betl fruit of.kr1owledge~ ··.Fnt diis workethal cherefulnes~o obey:conllaitcy ~ri obedtence,p~.. ti~nce inour filffedngs,&,procureth-a~cep~at_ion froin G~ for al o1:1r feruic~s.•BuJ beciu~fe it isfop,laine a-duty,as that no I man wild~nie it,ttisbell for vs foihewif~tne marks~, wherby wemay fee inwhat ~eaflire we •hatie·:at'eaiQ,ed t"o lou~ ~od !. ~arkes ta The firfi may be,how we delight to feek God iny me-ahe.s th~~~~he·wherein he ' bath appoi_nted to meet' vs. ~o.r in what mea• !oue"God fqre wecan offer' otiffelues toGod ,i!l thofe things wherein or ne. . hee oftereth hillife1fe 'to·.vs:in· that inieafu're we loue··him• . , ~fwe be~. Vvilling co·!aske ·al' ~go·~~ :chi~\gs· , and to ·(~eke comfort at his hands bypraye·r,and to layopen our want(rc hin;1,and as it.were to conferre with God: ifwee be d€firoiit -'to come :to h.eare his word,wher.ein we may fe~his vy}f4~frie < foro.ur direelion~~is inetcJf~' our comfort'; nis powerfol' l_ .. , our