Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

· Thejrfl CommttnairJ!t11!~~- : · 41· This is oneexcellent priuiledg:!bat ~~ hatb that feareth God,.That he will not offend qoa, becaufe hehateth w~at' euer might difpleafc him.So}~at he is fenced again!l all fe- . . crct wickednes. As\'\'.: i1Jay fee inlofeph, though hec n1ight · haue done that euill to whkh he wasfolicited,motlfecretly, Gen. 3 g•. fo that ·no man could ·haue fpied or perceiued it ; yet hee would not for all the world confent: and the reafon was, 'fhefeare ofGod made h!.r;n hate it in his ~heart :.and hating idnwardly, he w0uld neuer·praetife it outwardly. So lob Iob. Jr. fpeakes ofhimfelfe,that he couldhaueborneout hisoppref• uon,andcouldhaue tnade ~11 tloope to him, no.manwould ' haue gene about to find fault with.him : yet he durfl: not for all that, for Gods iudgement ;Was terrible in his eyes, and bee could not bee deli.uered from .his highneffc: and this . · was that that kept him from doing wrong , though no mandurH haue gone about tohaue fou·ght.reliengeagainfl him. , Secondly,the feareofGod, ifit on€e thr~ughly doe pofa feffe the hearr,wil pliable and frameable to G.ods will,though it beneuer fo contrarie to his nature,and fortner behauiour. As the example of Paul will Lhew: for when· God comes to him J and fils his heart full of feares and terrours., and llrik~s himdowne to the ground,and lets him fee · his power,and maie!He,and then9fcer begins to reaf.on·the 1natfer with him;and·lh~w~s him that he is -a perfecutorof~ ~ _Cbrifl Iefus;th~n he is prefently quiet, and faith, Lord,what ~-.a.9. ~. fl1al1 I doe? That which all the preaching in the world c<>uld not doe, nor all the miracles that hee. ha·d fcene and heard, that did this (eareofGod worke inalhort time, and:· did fo efkCluaUycbang.ehim-in that little fpace, that heneuer turned backe againe. Hee might haue thought, what would men fayJifi f11ould turne. from perfecutingtoprea– ching? and all on the fud-daine te be a Minifier ofthe Gof• · · pell, that was a peJf~cuter (what ,will the~ high Priefi fay- , · fromwhence I haue lettars ?·they may decme m·eincontlant , and to~ doe them iniury, andmany ether reafonsmight hee - haue had tohaue withheld him from obedience·;but al is 11()1- .. tbiog:no.w)'~he uue fcareofGodcafls offall obicclions·;J~ ~ a~ ,