Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Hovv Satan temptah the vainelforia, s tofrnne. tam.s. I4. §y.Sea.4. 6 Satetnsfiratagensf. .which is good and fubftantiail werefit to bee fold.And with there and fuch like fnares loth Satan intangle thofe that are couetou$, andhauc fet their heartsvpon the earthlyMam- mon; which I haue the longer flood vpon, becaufe it is a temptationniofl dangerous ; neither doth Satan by anie meanes more eauily facke our foules, and fpoile vs of Gods graces,than whenhee afcendeth by theregolden ladders, or tnaketh a breach in our hearts with thefe richbullets. IfSatan feemen proud and vaine-glorious, thenhee inti- ceth them to fin, byoffering them Gorgeous attire farce vn-. `fitting their fiate andcallings, and fo caufeth them to coin - mit a great abfurditie : for whereas our Sauiour Chrift faith, that thebodie is of more worth then raiment, they make their raiment ofmore worth than their bodies,in other mens judgement, andpreferre gay apparrell before the health of their foules, in their owne efüination; for that theymay jet it out in rich attire, theyvfevnlawful meancs,eitherby iniu- ringand oppre8ïng their inferiours, or at leaf} by keeping thepoore from their right: (for their fuperfluitie ofwealth was not giuen them tofpend in fuch excelle, but that they fhould like the Lords Alinners relieuc the poorewith their furpluflage)and byboth,theywound their foules with finne, and without repentance plunge them into euerlaflingdeath. So alfo Satan.taketh aduantage of our complexion and temperature; by tempting the Sanguine to pleafure and lull; theFlegmaticke to idlenes and floth ; the Melancholicke to enuie ánd malice;the Cholerickeman he prouoketh toquar- rels andbranles, and inticeth him to take reuenge by aggra- . uating the iniurie, and fuggefling that it will begreat difpa- ragement to put vp fuch awrong. In a word,Satan carefully obferueth towhat finne we are niofl prone bynaturc,cuflom or occafion;and to that he eggcth vs forward vntowhich our owne lufls leade vs, changinghis temptationsas wechange our affeelion.And therefore the Apoflle lames telleth vs,that whofoeuer is tempted, is drawne away by his oWne concu- pifcence, becaufe Satan neuer affaulteth vs, but hee is fure that the fiefhwill further him in his temptations. And thus haue I difcouered Satans firf} firatagem,., 'hich he k