Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Gods elation notgrounded en our works and waives. Roma z. 5.6. Our veotthi- vepisnet thecondition ofGod, couc- xant. Ierem.31.3 r. ItoAt.4. t 34 (y.secr1.3. Our redempti- notcaufcd by ourvtor- ThiReffè, ke_le;f.).7.8, t 50 That ourvnivorthincsfkuldnot makevsdoubt ofGods lore. peare in the feuerall caufcs thereof. Asñrfl hee bath elected vs ofhis owne free loue and good will, and not for any of our deferts; and therefore it is called the ele6lion not ofver.. tue and works, but ofgrace. Rom. r r.5. Nay it is flatlyop-. pofedto workes in the verte following. And if (faith the Apollle)itbeofgrace it is nomore ofworks,orelfe were iraceno, moregrace : but ifit be ofworks itis no moregrace, or elfe item rorke nomore werke. So that our election is not groundedvp- onour worthineffe, but on Gods grace and goodwill : and therefore it.cannot be ouerthrowneby our vnworthineffe,fo, we wholly relicvponGods freemercie in Chrifl. Secondly, the couenant betwcene Godand vs,whereinhe profeffeth himfelfe our God, and: taketh vs for his people and heiresof his protnifes, is not the couenant of \vorkcs, but the couenant ofgrace :-in which hee' ofereth freelie in Chrifl,his grace andmerde to all who will receiuc it, by the hand of a liuelie faith. And this the Lordhimfelfe expref- feth Icrew.3 z.3..Bcheld the dates comefaith the Lord, that I Willmakea ne' couenant With thehoufe of lfrael (that is, my' Church.) 3 2.. Not accordrt` to thecouenant nhich l in tde with theirfathers (that is, the couenant ofixorkes) the rthich my couenant theybrake. c.but thisfl allbee mycouenant that Iwill sas:he with the bout oflfraci, After thoe-daies, faith the Lord; I millput my law in theirinwardparts, andwrite it in their hearts, and^rillbe they,--Goei,and they bemy people. So the Apoftle Paulfaith-,that thepromife made toAbraham andhis feede, was notgiuen through the laW, but throe-h,therighteoufneffe of faith,Rom.4:z.3..and that it Was thereforeby frith that it might comebygrace:and thepromife m Qht be fore to ail the feede. For lithecouenant were ofworkes and not offaith, of-deferts. andnot ofgrace,wee fhould continually difanull andmake it ofno effc6}.. Thirdlie, as weare ele&led before all times, fowere we in time redeemed freely,andwithout refnec1 ofour owne wor thineffe,.ofthemeeremercyand loueofGod ; although-our Sauiour Chrifl paled: the full price of our redemption veto, God.:his father forvs: and this appcareth,Ephef.z:7;Ry rho r *haw redenrp ian through hisblood, ,etuen the fox/wimp of Pinnes,. r