Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

Of the reafo- nable Crea-. cures, Angels and mcn, it was afterhis owne Image or llkenefke,in holinetie and happinefte. b Gera. 1.26..17. E?her 4.24. Coloff.3.10. t.Cor.3.IS. Theffrf Booke ofDiuinitie, CH A r.3. World to bee. Man travelled without a`earinef e, the Beans laboured without iikefomeneffe , the . Earth brought forth of her fells Heibes, and Plants, the Trees, Fruites and Bloffomes in abundance ; curry thing ranne bis courfe, and did his worke with cheerefulneffe,and 1a- bourto them was not laborious. Io the principali Creatures, Angels and Men , that goodniffe is not onely the perfection of thole faculties, vnderftanding and will , andof all their powers, but e. Ipecially perfect holineffe and happineffe : The Image and firnilitude of Gods holy and bleffed nature, b after which man is laid to bee created. But all this, as I laid before, is ro bee vndetflood according to that their na- ture is capable of; for, Firf+,The Angels are capable of a farre more excellent perfection than mans nature can attayne. Secondly, Not enely euery nature is not capable of every Grace, but there is no Creature that can be eyther perfect tingle , infinite, or vnchangeable, which are the proper Prayfe of Go n : for euen thole heaue:;l_ySpirits haue fome things mixed and compounded in them, and being of finite nature, are not capable ofinfinite Power, Wifedome, Holineffe, or other graces, nor any waycan come neere the excellencie ofthe Creator. Betide , both Men and Angels were framed ofa mutable and change- able difpofition, the more to let out that conflant and immutable nature which is in God: and therefore all() of a nature both fubieSt to temptation fuch as eyther their owne thoughts , or outward obiects may offer to them, and ofa will though free ;able to choofe good, and to leaue euill: yet inclinable afwell to euill as to good, though in their efiate of holineffe, moll veto good. 166 r 5. If. 73ehold, heeputteth rno tedfaftneffe in his Saints. And lob 4. 8. Behold, heputteth nof#edfalf- neffe in his Serstants. Holineffc I call the integritie of their nature r being fir(