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ta6 Thepfi Booke ofDiuinitie, CaAP . a loba 4.24. b F3eb.4 12,13. e nen.7,t4.: Secondly , Commandingone thing , they forbid the contrarie : forbidding one thing, they command the con- trarie. Lathy, this withal' is to be remembred , that all the things before fpsken of in the definition I gaue Ho.- linehe and Rigkteoufnefe, pertayne and haue their place in euery Commandement, the corruption ofnature and delire being (as I thinke) forbidden in euery one not alone in the tenth : And that for thefe Reafons: Firtl,From the nature ofGod thatgaue theLaw,who being a a Spirit , and therefore piercing b into themoll: fecret thoughts and intents ofthe heart,eueryCoalman- dement of his (not onely the ten Commandements laid together) muff needs bec fpirituall; to binde the whole ffrength of nature , and all the thoughts and delires which the Scripture is wont to call the Spirit ofour mind, as before was noted. Secondly, Since it cannot be denyed , but that this is fo in the duties of the firfi Table the fame reafon and proportion carryeth it to thefe ofthe fecoud alto.. Thirdly, Our SauiourChrifts interpretation of the feuenthCommandement, is a fufficient warrant, exten- ding it to all kind of lu(}, Matth.5. 28 As for the tenth, it hitch another fcnfe, as (hall bee feene when wee come vnto it. And that which Pas! faith, Rom. 7.7. I had roi kyowne /tell, except the Law had f aid , Thox /halt not lull : I take, vnderreformetion of better judgement to bee meant not of the tenth Commandement onely, but of the whole puritie that way, which the Law of God thorowout requireth, and that as well in the duties to God ,as to our brethren; v' hick the Apoffle foundly gaa there.h to be commanded in theLaw, becaufe the Law is fpirituall. Neither Both it follow, becaufe lace faith, Excpt the Law hadfard,Thoufialt not 14, that therefore hçe muff needes point out the very words of one Com- mandement; or becaufe he faith many times (that Coma. matt-