Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

A TABLE OF ALL THE principali Points handled in this BoOKE. Thefirfi Dvoke. CHAP. I. He rope anddriftof theDeakinof Di.rnitie. £or, The Parts. OfGod, his Geeing Life, vnderflanding, andWill,Ho lineffe, Kindne j'e, Truth, lufi>ce, Mercie, Blefedn^f e, king. dome, Power, Glorie Wifedome , Infiniteneffe , finglenefe of Nature,Eternitie, Vnchwngeablenef e. 7 That there is but one God. 2,6 Of the Perfoss in God. z7 The dlßrnaion of Perfenr. 31 The three Perfors, and one God. 3 The incommunicableProperties,whereby theyare*ripped, The God-headof theSonate. 3 5 The God-beadof the holyGhoß. 53 CHAP. II. Ofthe Kingdomof God ,and the orderofadminifiration thereof. 6o 2, petition. Ofthe Decrees of God; the eternitie ,caufe,generalitieoftbefame. 6i CHAP. I1I. Of the Creation of all Things. The Matter, and Slimmer. Sixe Dales Worke. The perfeaionof the Creature. 75 The boline9e and bappinefe of the principall Creatures, Angels and Ofthe LaWofNature, 77 i.Petition. 64 72,73 74 A4 CHAP.