Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

.. ) · WilfulimpeniteNCJ . ( ted to God, obedience ever goes as far as the will. And-therefore ifthou art wilting, its cer" tain thou art ·obedient; ifye be willinP. and o– bedient, faies the Text,Jfa. r. I 9. ,wh~foever is willing to obey, that man does obey infome meafure,becatife the will bath power ofexecu... ,tion, and the whole man at command. This is 1:he reafon whyDivinesfay,that ~he fi.ncerity of the will is the condition.of the Gofpel;wherfore if thoubeefl not obedient_,. neither art thou wil~ .ling toobey' ; ' all tpe powers of thy foul, and all the members of ~hy body,thy will harh aa · ~tEhu imperativvu to command them. Now if ,thy will will not command them to yield,.thou art not fo much as willing at all. If a J ufiice of peace fhould tel.l me~ he wouldgive me a .warrant, and yet when all comes to all, hewill not command his Clerk to write it, nor his own hand fQr to pen it, I fee plainly he will · not. DoH: thou fay, I wouldobeyChriH, and I would deny my felf, why then doft thou not command thy ~lerk to write it? If thy will v1ill not command tongue, Tongue thou tbalt never talk fo unprofitably a·s thou ~aft do~e~ . andEar thou fhal~ never hearken'·after vanity ,. as ~hou haft done ·; ·and thoughts,Thoughtsye {,hall never run at rovers as ye have done. If your will were but willing it would comtnand your whole foul, Soul thou foalt not do M thou haft do~e : as 1 Davids will co-mmanded his foul, . 0 rny foul blefs the Lord, and forget thou not all his benefits,Pia. 103 .2. Nay, ,he comn1anded all that w~s in him, all that is in me b/efs ~is holy N~me?ierf. I. So if thou wert willing, thywill · would