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,tht~ grojfe.ft s~if-murder~ that I did it, becau_fe ;~was Gods Providence thatfuffered thefe Temptations to be laid for thee. Tb.irdly, beca~fe thou layefr the blameupon 3Demo11.~ , the t1mes , the ttmes are very hard. I would not go in this fa{hion, but onely that the times requir_eit. .I \_Vouldbe more given to Fafting · and ·repeaung the Word, &c. I woYld wil- , lingly be more forward than I am , but the ~ times are ve~y bad ; This is to lay the blame upon .9od, for God fetteth everyMan his time. If I had been in'Chrifis time, or Pauls-time, or QE_een Eli~abeths time" I would have done thus and thus. Thou lalefr the blame up~n God,for God fetteth everyManhis time;When God from eternity made his comrn.on·pl~~eBook pf all the whole World , he appointed 'fuch a·nd fuch to live firfi, fuch next, and fu_ch laft; Such and fuch 'to liv.s;! here, and .(ucb . there; Su<;h 'at Rqchford, and fuch at L,ndon; fo faies theApo!He, He bath madeof sn11~Blood I all N ~tions of Men, to awell 'on all the face of the Earth; and hath determined tht tirrtesbefore ap .... p{)inted,-. ,end'the bounds of t·heir habitations, ACts 17. 26. Mark, he hath appointed the times, and the places. -The times when they {bqU , -live, and the places where. God fetteth mens -times ; and therefore thou. which laie!l: the blame upon the times, laieft the blame-upon \ ' God. , . . - · Fourthly, becaufe thou laiefi the blame up-4Demon. on this Comrriandement, -if it were ~ny Corn- ! mandement but this, 1 would do it; But this I cannot do· if it were anY' other injury but , H 4 ,~ this