Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

· the grojfefl Selfmurder.· .g~ ceffe is oitter to t~y fiomark, than when it was pleafant ? fo it is with 'every other finn, thou rnightfi: get agr:cat deal ofgoo~ hy every one of . Gods ~ealings, ~ut thou·wilt.not. WhJfoou{a )OM J,c jfr1k.!n An] more f ye w1/l revolt more antl mort, E[AJ I~). Ye will fayes God,this is Gods lat\guage, h~ find~s fa~lt with thyWill, ha~ thou findJl: fault wtth hts Wtll; Whydoes he frn1te me more andmore?! cannot but revolt, I cannot do as he wouldhave me ; maybe thy lufis atempre mannerly than to fay thus; but this fecret grum– bling is in thee, if thou fayeft that thou frickeft at a cannot, and therefore thou canft not be .humbled. . : ,· , In thefecond place,: ifit be thus, thereafon why thoudofi: not amend, is not becaufe'thou V[: ~·~ canfi not,but becaufe_thouw.ilt not. ~f~~~e ., . · I the hea ~· · · S~e here then the deceit of thJ·heart. • , If God would give me Grace, I would wildeceitft1\ · neffe• lingly do any thing.; this is notliing but the deceitfulneffe of thy heart, whicli is deceitful a– bove all things. For thy heart does bot here ~ie u,ntoGod ; ~ ~ouldvery fain, if~?dwouldJer.I '1• , •. tnable me ; thou hefi ; Goaknowes 1t ts not fo : Like th_e wilfuf J ewes , -they would ·be Gods 1 · People~ they would flay themfelves uponGod; God tells them in effect they lied , I kpew thsu ' "¥Pert obftin~te, lend thy ntci{.io an-Iron jinew, ana · ~~] hrew Br~tffe~ lfAJ48.4. Woulde~ t~o? ~elteve me? No, n6, I know thou art ob£hnate - and will _n,ot ; fo God knowes thou art ob– iHnate. I cannot fee .this is a fin to lay faith - and ' ' , ' ,.