Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

th~ groffefl self-mu_rder. ·49or, whe.n Godgives thee anyduty incharoe thou layefl: it at his door, as though it fi~k · ·there ~ and~here thou lettefl: it lie, not fetting .about it to do it : Godgive n1~ grace, repen– tance is his gift, and if hedonot give it, I can• not repent, I would, but I cannot, ifhe do not give it: the fpeech is verygood, andbecomes 97 f .. \ a godly fou~.- that ma~e~ €onfcien~e of the , means to fay tt , but thts ts thy fhuffhng to lay ... it 'at Gods door , as though it ftuck there ; God tells theeplainly, ·it_d.oes not flick at him, ' I ~e would have all t.o come untoRepenta~ce, 2. Peter 3. 9· . But thou wilt not come, a11d this is the qeceit of thy Heart to fhuffle it from thee. In the thirdplace,is it fo, that the reafonwhy thou dofl: not amend, i~not becaufe.thou canft not,but only becaufe~hou wilt not ? . ' • Oh thenmy .Brethren le~trn tobe humhled., • ::r_l[ _ik This point calls for humiliation. :· Firfl:, He~e lies efpecially the pride of theVje 3: Heart, not in Mens Cannots,buttheir Will nots,En~age·r , when aSoul. does whatfoever it can, ~efor~s ~~io:~1 ~ as much as tt can , ufes as many means as tt - can, and as oftenasit can, this is not aproud heart, but aproud heart is that efpeciallywhich fiicketh at a will no~. If yewill not hear, my Soul lhall weep in fecret places for yourPride ?, ]er:13 .. 17. Mark, . for your Pride, if youwi/e "ot ; ~ be does not fay , ifyou cannot, my Soul ~all w~ep fo~ ·yo~' p~~~e, if' yeA~~k ~t·acan~ no __ .