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(. -the 11roffeiJ sell'..m11rder. ·c b ~~· ':)'" .i 9 the fiubbornneffe of thy heart ' and therefore heres moft humiliation required. . · Fourthly, here lies the greatefi. de(pifings of the Commandement ofGod;authortty ts never fo much def~!fed as wbe~ men will not fu bmic to it : aFather is defp1fed when aSonwill not hear him; and a·Mafier is defpifed when .his.fer– vant wilrnot do as he bidshtm ; nay comman..– dem~nt cannot be defp!ied.but by will-nots, it may be omitted,and not obeyed bycannots;but it cannot be defpifed· but by will· l}ots ., if ye. fuall defpifemy ftat~tes,fo that ye will not do all my Commandement.r,(9"c. Levit. 26. :t: 5. 0 .what infinite reafon -hail: thon .to\be humbled, that defpifefl: the Lord?He cannot endure that men fho~ld defpife qim ; he can 'put up any other ' wro·ng rather than this, that men fhould . defpife him : but to be flighred and defpifedhe will not,cannot endure it. F{)r three-tranfgref– ofJudah, andfer fo.ur, I will not turn away the punifoment thereof, becaufe tkey have defpifed Lawofthe Lord, ArtJos 2.4.hewill not turn way the puniQlment of this fin, when men do pife him ; what in~nite needtthen hail: thou to be humbled under t 1 hy will not, thoudefpifefi: Co.mmadement? . . · , Here's a word to you that are Godly; 0 what~Ufef. k . hath the Lord fhewed. to you, and how eo 0 t6:•c .. you to be thankfull ! never was there thaakful• , mercy as this tofuevvmercy to t~e vvilful; ncife of vvo_full Sopl , be his mifery never fo gr~at', .thegodly•. he is ·no.t the fit objeCttOf mercy: ·for tlioagh.· mifery bemerciei I() bjeCt~ yet joyn'dvvith vvil'"\ Note. _,_ fulnefs