Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

·· the gr'.!fe.fl Self-mnrder: 10~ thine own heart w;th this.When awilful Male- - ·factor comes afterwards to know that ifhe had not been wilful the Judge would h-aye faved him, Oh' how will it vex him ! be could even rend his own hair,and tear his own flefh; what ha mad man was I l I_forfook mine own_Clergy, fo thou forfakefi thtne own Clergy, thtne own mercy, they that obferve lying vanities forfak.._e theirownmercj/fonah2..8.vex thineownheart · ·with it, fay,I liave forfaken mine own mercy. Fifthly, confrder, if youwouldbutv~x your– own fouls with this ferious confideration; it would make you ki~k your. lufis under foot~ and cry out upon them, out upon you, get yee hence;as they criedout upon their Idols, Efa1 3o. 22. get ye hence, get ye hence, here is no entertainment for you from henceforth. I for:·. fake m~ne own ~ercy as long as I keep you. H~'tlingfot1wed you, that except your beliefof this pointbe rooted in your hearts, ye cAn never be hnmbled: · F. Irll:, be-caufe hereby you e·x€ufe your fe~v~sfrom all your tr'anfgreffions befides ongt• ', nal. .. Nay fecondly,.ye excufe.your felves for'youn· originP~lfin oo.. - , · . Nay t~irdly, youm~ke' all your fins: to ~t1 nothing hut infirmities~ invindble· infitmi"! ties·. . '~ - · · · Nay fourth~y·,r you·fommend you~ ~elves· mo~~ tllaA~<X\o· . r _ _ • · --- 1 ~- .. ~ay· (