Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

J oS WilfHlin,penitenCJ · , ·· ~ · not one defire, n~tone good inclination : and therefore the Scripture ·caBs it a· nevv Creati– on: vvhofoever i~ in Chrift i.J 11 new trreatswe,2 Cor. 5. 1 7.that is,created anevv.And,therefore there vyas nothing prxixflent , no not one · , · 'thought , all the thoughts of men ~re only e• vil , and that co-ntinually. So there is the fame difficulty that vvas in the creationof Heaven andearth: and then ' ·S.ec.ondly ·' there is another difficulty more · than there vvas in the creation : for as there vvas nothing prreixifient .to help,.fo there vvas nothing to refifi.But here is fomething torefift, the Wil1 it reGiteth: now the cannot does not refiD:. No·, ,the bellowing of the new powers is , BO more thananoth~r· creation.}3ut the <hang· ing of thewill is more than another Creation, for thew.il· it reftfreth,vea and it fets all the foul arefifiing. Carnal reafonrefifi:eth ·, carnal de~ fi res they refifi, all the foul it refif.l:eth : and the greatefi reGilance of all is the refifiance of the will : for the will is th~ utmoO: ftrength of the foul. And therefore here lies the infinite difficulty of the converfion'of a finner,name-. ly in the turning of tpe will : it r.equireth more power, than was required to the treati– .on of Heave~ an.d Earth~ ~God pu~ ·himfelf forth more when he convertE!th a finner, tllen:when he created a World; andiher~fore the Scripture calls the dayofconverfion ' cfmens.wils,the. day of his power.Thy peQpl( fual be 'Wilting in theftlay of th] power, Pfal.i 10. 3· In the day of thy power, .mark, 4ts cal~ .)~q ~ day of thy ppwer, WSen~e ~On-: · verteth · · ' \o,.. \ .... (•• •