Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

' -Impmite11CJ &c. nan is not in Chrifi , all the fcore frands, and · Jod is angr·yfor all; but God is angry for no :hing but will-nots in his chi~dre~, as N ehemi.. tth faies ofGod ·speople in[udah,they wouldnot . · ~ear,therefore God gave them up into ·the hand of he people of the land ,Nehem.9.3o. God is not ngry with his people for c~nnots , but only ,. lr their win-nots; it is our will-nots that · {iod does not fo goout with our Minifters,nor l . ' >quickenhis word to your hearts. It is for ' t ur will-nots that he threatens our land, and t~e~ins to abridgeus of our fpiritual food, and , $. hewes ominous fignes of his departing away ., rom us, and are we ·not even fick unto death f ,r thefe will-nots?, We complain of our. i eadenffe, and what trow we is the caufe, l ut our will-nots ? We complain ofour cor· r uptio11;s,and of the leanneffe ofour fouls,and · \ vhornmaywe thank, bucour will-nots? we 1 aight grow more than we do , what letsus l•ut our will-nots? What makes fome of us go ~ lown~he winde ? as we fay ,-but becaufe we \vill not !\:and on our guards? Tkefe, thefe ., brethren, th'efe will-nots of ours,are the rea.. fon why God is provoked againfi us. . C)t us put forth our felves, and ibake t:hefe will-nots, left anger break out , and · tliere be no remedy.for ones crooked (ervant to be tl:ubborn, it is but his kinde : but for ortes child to · - be.fiubborn,this an'"'" ·, - ·~er~ ' b · fat~er. .. .· 10 C: ;_ -'" I ' ~ • .. ·~:: ~'"),! . ' . ' . ' ' 1IN;IS~ , - . . t . _...J,