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To the Chrifiian Reader. becttufe .mans bodywas made of thePri•ce "f tlarltnefs (wherewith Aufrin ~as /evened before· his converjlon) 1he Lord had C __ hry~-. fofiom and others to hinder the fpreading an4prewailing-ofit. 1 · When there .was anArrius, whodenied thecent. 4 , DittJinity ofChrifl, there foould be an Atha- - nafiusraijed to overthrow him. _ · h . . M d • , r:~r;, h u I Cenr:. ~. W, en a .ace on IUS to oppo_; et e c-.10':)' Dempjerrui ohofl,then 4 Bafil to break...him. ' exW4lfild& ' When a Pelagius to ad'lJance Free-will ,~efer~_eo-- "ematt intfJ the Throne ·of Free-grace, then God-qMo ille ; 11 . would raifeup anAufrin, ( thttt great light ofAnglill U• the church in hiJ time)todepofe that , and to~~~~r:::a.. . reflore thi1 to itscrownanddignity. rum toti This Pelagius was born in Britain them~ndo eff~t·· r: d h . . · fi ~ k h dtt jumu111 1 ame · ay t at Aufrtn tn · A rtc , · e was F.cdefi~ -the fir.ft pr~fumptuous advancer of thelume~ Au· pride of,Free.wilJ. He did not thinlt tbe;~ulj[rj,~ grace of God to be necefJ'try for the helping emic11i,ffe. of ~ree·will, for g~od things in. e"Jery aEJ. !~~~t 18 . , , Th11 w-ascondemned tn 'the -council of Car4 · . thage, · wher~in indeedtofovehim[elfhe didN~tt. equivoc4.te in thelf'ordgrace, ac/tntJ~!edging 4 naturaliznexciting, and afterCDI)VerJion anaffit:£inggrace. 7his Dollri11e W4S li~r~~ifo condemned in theSynodofPalefiioa, 1200Damnat• years agoe, and-thereinArminianifm /Qld be- anteq~rtl. fi . b b h ll h • f h .. 1 nat a nrmr~ ore tt TPaJ orn, '} 't . eJtrcngt o 1 t a"p~ace~niiopin.~o. T . . 2 nn. t. 9. . ·. . .- ,· · . ·· · , . · · · 'Ihis ,