Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

To theChrifiianReader. , I That thofe whowere predefiinated to . . lifeby the decree of Gods prcdefiination .were forced to do well : and thofe who were predefiinated . to condemnation ,' were forced b,y the decree of God to do evtl, he1!'4J refifledbyJiincmarus and other learnedmen. ·· 1his i11felJious errour Pelagtanifm (pread i~ England , :where it waJ apt to ta~ the_ ·deep~r ro1Jti11g ·, becalljePcla~ius himfelf~y birth w1t1 tt Bri,tain: · But the L~rJ ra1fod lta'Ntecl Bradwardine Arch· Bijhop of Can– terbu-ry and fome others to ·appear in the ·t-afe tifGodando[fre.e-grace,and to fortifie theChurches .againft all Pelagian~, w~om I Augufrine calls lnimicos grat·ire dei; and Fulgen·ttus, ; Vafa it~ dei. · ~ · afterff'ardl 1he fobtillj of the Serpent in.. jinuatetl , himfelf ·into th~ Garden of the Church ,by \the ·wit and lear11i11g of Fauftu5 Socinus{another Infaufius Faufius inPo– l;tnd;) 1 hey 'who ·have opportunity to confult - 'Socinus boo~! de Minifierio, andtheCate– chifmus Cracovienfi~ (a ·mofi. fubtil and dangerolts boo~.)}hallfht,de there thefeeds of ,Ar~inianifm. , tlleir Helena, there ·to .be conceived(howt'Ver MoJina andotller Popip/ :AIItnot's'c.~nt~lld, kltronc, thef~; Ci·t.ies4id ~ht;fe Homer wa!) lheir ·Meara ·scientia.' Tbey will grJZnt aDivina Pr~fcentia, hHI •' ' ' d~"J