Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

.. . . 1"o the CbrifHan R.eader·. 1Jerfarles' ihat he.might have themoreaJ.. Vdntage a'-~ atnfl thent; g1~ants t"~em 91 much as he couldwith conjiflency to_ his own prin.. _ciple.r, that fo he1night themore eajily con– found,their.t;onlpyouwill b~Jocadid aJ' to·con~ f.der that hereinhefpeak.f ad pcipulum;And I th~re_fore(as the antient Fathers,) ~ftenufeth . the liberty of jpeakjng lik_e a Preacher ratheP than as aDotlorofthe Chair. I reckJN'- this tt very ftrong argument ·to confute the power of Freewill toany fpiri• tual action in agratious manr:lt"·r, th~wo– fu!l experience ,uf mine own wretch·"d .Qeart_, .being naturally Jo·dejperdtly wit/t ', oppojite to ll11J fpiritual good. But thir wJll not convince others; on·lj lly the W to/ I would I<J;aw how it cvme.r to pa[J, if Artni– n ius Doctrine be true, that we have Freewill to chufe · that which is truely ·good~ why Arminians are not all very good tnen? IVillnot this be an aggravation ag~injt them at the qreadfullday ofjudge2 tnent. · 7her~fore tl1e Lord ismofl admir-ablygrati01U ingivingusft~ch Mafters of the Affetn– blies to fafien foch Scripture.truths dS may ;.~old 1ts fafr and clofeunder theCovenant o·f Grace.. I 1-Je was a bleffing to the College where he was fellovv, .of Pembroke Hall ·. in Cam-' . bridge c